Tuesday, April 23

Antique & Vintage Linens

While Alaina and hubby were watching a suspense-filled movie
the other night... I was trying to busy myself!

Chipper little friends to distract me from the dramatic music!
I get them back... I blurt out, "Something's going to jump out!!!"
At the most tense moments~

I like to peek every now & then~ for all the good stuff!
Costumes, settings, furniture...

More of the antique/vintage linens I had washed, pressed & put away~
I mean, lost!

Mice in the strawberry fields...
Birds with just the right hats...
Bunnies with frilly collars!

Teddy loves~
A bride and groom... 

These little friends and more are in my Etsy shop~

Thank you for your sweet comments and stopping by!
Sweet Dreams~


  1. Michelle-Your art is absolutely amazing.

  2. I just found your wonderful blog from a link on Mary Ann Tate's blog, and I'm so glad I did! Your artwork is just wonderful and we seem to share some common interests, so I will be following along to see more :)

  3. *sigh* as always these are wonderful! Now I get to see what I missed that's already sold ;) I know I've told you before, but gotta tell you again, "you are AMAZING"!!!

    Hugs and purrs,

    "her" and Romeo
