Wednesday, March 27

Spring Giveaway!

Giveaway time!!!
To thank you for your encouragement & the great comments you share!
For following along & to celebrate 2,000 sales in my Etsy shop!

Two names will be selected from my blog comments...
One name will be selected from my Facebook comments...
THREE chances to win!
One of my ORIGINAL watercolor paintings!
I LOVE original art... to hold something one of a kind in my hands~

Was such a pretty & bright day today.
Made it possible to paint for a little while... natural light is ideal.
I've been trying to let my eyes rest... doctors orders.
My little rosy cheeks, caused by Rosacea has gone into my eyes.

Started with quick sketches...
Had a few bird books nearby for color reference~
Tried to not become distracted reading about the AMAZING nests
our little feathered friends build each Spring!

Not sure that they're 100% accurate...
That's the joy of nature~ it varies!

I love putting down vibrant colors!
Nothing a little water can't calm down~

Drawing will be April 1st!
(April fools day is suppose to be fun!!)
To have a chance to win one of the two originals offered on my blog
Please leave a comment on this post!
Let me know if you follow my blog... I'll put your name in twice!
Let me know if you share my giveaway on your blog~ so I can peek!
I'll put your name in a third time!

To have a chance to win the third original watercolor...
"LIKE" my Facebook page, Michelle Palmer Artist & comment there, too.

Hope your day is sunny and sweet~
How nice it is to see the sunshine peeking through!


  1. I already saw these on your Facebook page and I just love them! Thanks for the chance to win one! :0)

  2. I'm a follower of your blog too! Thanks again! :0)

  3. I'm your follower! Thanks for the wonderful opportunity...

  4. Active link in my blog, thank you again)))

  5. Well I just found you and was commenting on your fabulous felt duckies the saw you also have a give away ...what fun ~ I am following :)

  6. Michelle, you are so generous, I would love to be entered into your giveaway! I follow your blog and I shared a link to your giveaway on my blog (right sidebar under Great Giveaways). Thank you for the opportunity to have a piece of your wonderful work and please, listen to your doctor and take care of your eyes! Deb

  7. I saw this on Facebook as well, I just love your watercolors.

  8. I am so in love with you blog!!! Your talent is amazing!!!

    Hugs Sharon

  9. Love these Michelle! You know I'm a follower! Happy Easter to you and your family. Take care, Laura

  10. This is a beautiful giveaway!! pick me!!

  11. Oh Michelle! I love all that you paint, but these really speak to my heart! A perfect sign of spring. Please enter me in your generous giveaway. I am a faithful follower.
    Blessings, Patti

  12. Love natural history! Would love a chance. Warm blessings- Amy

  13. This would be so special! I love your art! Thanks Michelle! Happy Spring!

  14. What a wonderful giveaway. I am already a faithful follower of your blog. I'll head on over to Like your FB page too.
    Thanks so much!

  15. I am very sorry you are having some discomfort. I adore your watercolor paintings. Congratulations on 2000 etsy sales. Creative Hearts are Happy Hearts...

  16. I do follow your blog. I also commented on your Facebook post which I actually saw before your blog. Thank you for this beautiful give opportunity. Creative Hearts are Happy Hearts...

  17. Your work is so beautiful! I'm over from Pinterest.

  18. Dear Michelle,
    yet again an amazing giveaway. Love all your work. I am a follower ~ please enter my name!
    many hugs
    Karen B. ~ Todolwen

  19. How charming, Michelle! So sorry to hear about your eyes. I am praying for you, gal. Hope they're better soon. Thank you for hosting such a lovely giveaway, and congrats on your sales! That's so awesome!

  20. These are so lovely. I would love to have one in my sewing room to go along with the several pen and ink drawings I have already. I have followed your blog for quite some time and am thrilled to see so many others are enjoying your work through your Etsy shop.

  21. Really pretty. I would love to get a hands on, close up look at one of your originals!

  22. How beautiful these are....
    You're such a great artist.

    Would love to join in...and of course I am follower/ fan of your blog...

    Fine day

  23. I have many of your pen and in pieces but I would love one of your Watercolors. My dining room is bird themed and these would look lovely there.
    You are so kind and generous!

  24. I went back and looked, I've been a follower for almost 3 years. I also left a FB message. I'd post a link on my blog but I'm having computer problems right now. (This is being posted on my iPad)

  25. I just LOVE your work, Michelle!! Thanks for a chance to win one of your beautiful egg drawings. I'm a follower and I just put a link to your giveaway in my sidebar.


  26. Oh how lovely! Please enter my name too. I was just peeking at your ducklings-I love how lifelike they are, and all the poses you put them in. You do have fun, huh?!
    I hope your eyes are better....
    And Happy Easter, my friend!
    Love, Debra

  27. Oh Michelle, You are so talented. What sweet little paintings you do. I follow your blog and have posted a link on my blog and my face book pages. It's so wonderful to hear that you made 2,000 sales!!! That's exciting!

  28. I just love the egg drawings/paintings,they are just so beautifull!!!Love that you want to give them away too,so I like to enter in the give-away.I am a follower and will also put your give away on my blog.
    Love from cold Holland,

  29. I am a follower and I love your work. I have several of your sweet birds and I treasure them. Would love to add the sweet eggs to my collection. Due take care of your eyes.

  30. PS I post your blog everyday on the right side.

  31. Michelle-thank you for a chance to win one of your treasures! And you know I'm a fan of yours already and a follower too-
    Blessings &hugs to you,

  32. What a wonderful giveaway. Of course I'd love to enter.

  33. Your watercolors are so gentle-looking and a perfect symbol for the rebirth of Spring. I'd love to display on in my home.


  34. I follow you and have loved your blog and art . I would love to win this.

  35. I found your blog just today!

    Just love the colours and composition of this piece of art!!!

  36. A lovely giveaway. Please follow the doctors orders and take care of your eyes!!
    p.s. - I've followed you for quite awhile (can't remember how long though).

  37. OMWhiskers!!!! Oh yes, I do indeed follow your blog!!! Have for a while and having purchased several of your little drawings on fabric, I can let everyone know that whoever wins these prints is going to be VERY VERY lucky indeed! Your talent is inspiring!!!! I am not considered lucky but I would definitely like to have a chance to win one of these!!! Thank you so very much for the opportunity! And I am sorry to hear that your eyes are affected - I hope that this clears up soon. Rest those eyes :)

    Hugs and purrs,

    "her" and Romeo

  38. Love your work! Original art has such a special feel... to know the artist touched the piece is always so very special. I 'follow' your blog by having it listed on my favourites. I hope resting your eyes is helping.

  39. Я последователь)))))

  40. Я в блоге разместила картинку на боковой панели)

  41. И я просто хочу играть в поддавки, потому что люблю ваше творчество!

  42. Your artwork is simply lovely. I follow your blog regularly and always look forward to something charming and fun. Your fan in Seattle.

  43. Your artwork is lovely. I follow your blog regularly and look forward to each and every one. Your fan in Seattle, Debbie.

  44. Hope it's not too late to join in the giveaway! These are so pretty! I

  45. What a beautiful giveaway, I hope I am not too late, I somehow missed this post earlier.

  46. Oh, and I have been a follower for ages :-)
