Sunday, March 17

Needle felted wool mice...

They have their eyes, whiskers, tails, jackets & names!

Please meet Josie!
(Named by Candy)

Please meet Morris!
(Named by Betsy)

Please meet Olive~
(Named by Catherine)

Sweet little Mingle~
(Named by Jo)

Handsome little Bob!
(Named by Patti)

A cozy tangerine jacket for Squeaker!
(Named by Judy)

Sweet, sweet Milly~
(Named by Alaina)

A little lavender hat for Midge!
(Named by Ronnie)

Dear little Tipsy!
(Named by Diane)

Sweet little face of MaKenzie~
(Named by Sherrie)

All of these little friends are looking forward to traveling!

They're listed in my Etsy store...
JUST IN CASE you need another mouse in your house!

I hope their little faces bring a smile to yours~

I suppose the mice in our house watch Brady Bunch re-runs...

I like how their little tummies stick out of their jackets~

They're all tucked in for the night~
Sweet dreams to you, too Dear Friends!

Thank you for stopping by & helping me name
each of these little noses~


  1. named one Tipsy! How sweet! And isn't he the MOST handsome one of all! I love him! Sweet hugs, Diane

  2. Yay for Olive!!! I love them all ~ they are adorable with their tummies sticking out!! I may have to think about bringing Olive home!

  3. Ha! The whiskers are Brilliant! Sooo darling!

  4. I will be smiling all day when I think about these adorable mice!
    Cat whiskers on mice? :)

  5. Thank you for your comments, Sweet Friends...
    Debra~ cat whiskers because the mice that "visit" our home don't stay long enough to share their whiskers! ;)

    You're all gems~

  6. Now those are some precious little mice - Midge with the lavender hat is so cute (of course I love hats any style)- thanks for sharing these charmers. Have a wonderful day.

  7. ma bella famigliola di topini , brava un abbraccio, ciao.

  8. OMG these are the sweetest things ever - each one cuter than the next!
