Wednesday, February 20

Inspirational journals...

His Word is in my heart~

I paint with joy and a grateful heart~

I'm sharing these artist samples with a local Christian group
Impact Theatre a small way to help them continue to share His love & truths.

Beautiful journals & more available from Divinity Boutique!

Artist samples are a treat~
To hold a product in my hand, from one of my paintings!

This design is also on a garden flag!
Imagine how fun, to be driving down the road...
One of our teens shout out, "Mom! One of your flags!"

I give thanks to God~
For every gift He has given me.

I give thanks to God for each of you~
Who continually encourage and support me!

Wishing you a joy-filled day!


  1. I love your gift so much! I just have to say it again ~ you are an amazing artist!
    Karen B. ~ Todolwen

  2. Just so lovely, Michelle. And how exciting to see the outcome of all you do! Thanks so much for sharing! Hope your new year is going well so far.

  3. Oh so beautiful, Michelle!
    I love you!

  4. You are so blessed because He is in your heart. Love your journals . . . very sweet designs! Enjoy your day!

    Hugs, smiles, and blessings,
    Deb oxoxo

  5. Lovely journals and lovely message.

  6. Those are super gorgeous, I'd love to purchase some but that website is wholesale only :(

  7. Your art is so upbeat and is spreading the Word so is a double blessing. Beauty and truth.

  8. Sweetest Michelle,

    They are all very lovely ❤

    Hope everything is fine with you...
    Wishing you a great week!


  9. These are just gorgeous! I write in a journal every day of my life so I appreciate a beautiful book! Sweet hugs!

  10. Dear Michelle - God has certainly blessed you with such wonderful talent. Also you bless each of us with this gift of your art. Wanted to let you know how much too I appreciate you taking the time to share with Debra at Sparrowgrass some of your tips for a fellow artist. Bless you. Happy painting.
