Friday, January 4

Antique button journal...

Along with acorns, pebbles, pine cones... buttons find their way home.
No two oldies are ever the same.
Even old dresses... the long string of them down the back~
Each one, a little different.

Almost 20 years of gathering...
One cotton journal inspired me~

Winter winds...
Chicken soup...
Warm cups of tea...
Cotton & buttons.

No longer in grandma's button tin...
Rescued from the bottom of a this n' that box...
Sorted from a mountain of common black buttons...
The hunt... the find!

The perfect home.

Beautifully simple circles, stitched in place...
They make each other more beautiful!
Just like us~

Hope your weekend is wonderful~


  1. My mom's button tin would keep me busy for hours. I loved running my hand into the tin, feeling the cool, smooth buttons. Then I'd take them out, sort them, and try to decide which were my favorites.

    Thanks for reminding me of that great memory!

  2. Buttons have always enchanted me and I loved playing in Grandma's button box. Buttons of Bliss...

  3. I just need you to put a "love" button on all your work!!!! Love buttons, love your watercolors, soooo pretty!

  4. Ohh I love antique buttons and put them in a special little box so now and then I'll open the box and put them on the table and just sigh hihi , these are beautiful Michelle !!
    Hugs, Ellen

  5. We all love buttons don't we. My daughter spends ages sorting and "classifying" them. Some are just too special to use! x Jo

  6. Love vintage buttons, so many shapes, sizes, colours, textures. The modern ones are so boring! Have a great weekend Michelle

  7. I loved searching through my grandmother's sewing basket.

  8. oh yes, old buttons hold so much charm and personality. I like the idea of putting them in a journal, maybe one day, but for now the tin is to much of a treasure trove for visiting wee ones for me to change it. Take care.

  9. I have lots and lots of buttons. These ones are lovely!

  10. Dear Michelle - I love your post on buttons...I inherited my dear Grandmas button tin and I enjoy pawing through and finding those old antique buttons that you can't find anymore. Thanks for sharing. Have a great week.
