Saturday, October 13

Frost Fairies...

The frost fairies were dancing about our gardens last night!

This little fairy only paints the edges...

"I will frost everything... except the veins!"

Flash freeze fairy work!

Quick brush stroke fairy painting...

"Stippling" little tiny dots everywhere~

A little bit of this... a little bit of that brushwork...

Heavy edges & soft in the middle fairy style!

LOVE painting heart leaves...
Heavy on the edges and highlight the veins!

Just enough to make the edges sparkle...

"I like to leave the edges light & wispy" little fairy friend...

I'm glad they came to visit~
I needed to get away from my paints & brushes for a bit.

"Here comes the sun... dee dee dee dee~"

"Here comes the sun!"
"And I say~"
"It's all right!"

Have been in the studio morning til wee hours of the morning
for several weeks... deadline time for wonderful projects!
I will share peeks, soon!

Hope you have a fun... fairy-filled weekend~


  1. I love your frost fairy pictures. I was outside early this morning capturing our own little frost fairy designs too.

  2. WOW..those are beautiful! We are still in the 90's in Arizona..hoping to be in the 80's soon.

  3. Hi Michelle,
    I love milkweed too. I have it drying in my kitchen right now for a Christmas project and you are so right... they are tiny little fairies!

    Karen B. ~ Todolwen

  4. Just what I needed to start my day . . . beautiful pictures! No frost here in CA . . . back up to the 90's this coming week. I will have to remember your frost fairies to help me through!

    Deb :o)

  5. These are beautiful, Michelle! Great shots!

  6. Wonderful photographs. I guess winter is on its way...

  7. Beautiful photos! I am new to your blog and found you while over at Kim's Happy at Home. Your artwork is lovely.
    Nice to meet you.


  8. The frost fairies did a wonderful job. All those leaves and flowers are so pretty.

  9. Michelle -- your "frost fairies" have been busy creating beautiful intricate designs in your gardens.

    I cant believe that it is time for the frost fairies to visit -- I am soooo not ready!

