Wednesday, August 15


Early in the season we purchased the most beautiful yellow Zinnias!
They have been wonderful in our porch containers.
I have planted Zinnias for 21 years and have never seen this color!

A garden companion~

I have started harvesting the heads...
Allowing them to air dry for several days~

This is what the seeds look like~
I hope to plant a patch of these honey-yellow beauties Spring 2013.

A touch of sunshine~
For you!


  1. me too......rusty pinks....
    They make me smile!
    Thank for the pictures!

  2. I feel a drawing of a baby snail comin' on! Cute!
    I so hope that the sunflower painting on your sidebar is a part of your fabric line!!!

  3. Wonderful blog, beautiful photos!

  4. Hope I am not too late to congratulate you on the calendar and fabrics too!

  5. Thanks so much for the comment you left on my blog. That made me so happy. A touch of sunshine as well. Love the calendar2013 you're showing us bits of in the previous post.You're so very talented. It must be great to be able and express yourself in drawing, to get lost in it. It's for you probably something you can't do without, part of your life. And a treat to others. Thanks!
