Wednesday, August 1

Original Pencil Illustrations...

Wee little frames call to be filled with wee-little treasures!

Acorns, feathers... seashells...

I love when our feathered friends leave feathers at the feeder~
Their way of saying, "Thanks for the treats,  a little something for you!"
I gather them up & add them to my reference bins to sketch.

I LOVE giving these tiny treasures for gifts~
One friend keeps hers over her studio light switch...
Another has a wee bird on her office cubby wall...
(next to her family photos)
Another piece hangs from a teddy bears overall button!

Where ever they hang in our home they're a sweet little touch...
Something about miniature~

These and more are ready for my Etsy store...
I think I will make an extra special one for a blog giveaway!

Hope your Wednesday is filled with wonderful~


  1. Absolutely way too adorable, Michelle! Love them all!
    Blessings to you!!

  2. The sweetest images & all so beautiful Michelle!
    I can just imagine how gorgeous one would look above a light switch ~ perfect every time you enter the room ♥
    Like you, I love finding feathers & think of them as little messages :-)

  3. I had the same idea as Deb of hanging one above a light switch:) I was lucky enough to get a little beauty w/a feather that says "dream". I think would be sweet over the bedroom light switch. Love the unique frames too.

  4. Unbelievable how detailed you can be in such a small space! Just wonderful . . . your talent is truly a blessing!

    Smiles and Hugs,
    Deb :o)

  5. Came here from Jude's and loving everything I see! Your drawing talent is breathtaking. Thank you for sharing all of these!
