Wednesday, August 8

Morning Dew...

Pup and I got our toes wet this morning...

We went nearly two months without rain in our backyard...
Thankful for our recent showers and cool nights~

Our lawn is all natural~
Meaning... it's all weeds~ with a little bit of grass!
This fuzzy-leafed weed holds the dew gracefully.

Please click on the images for close up views~

Soggy toes mean very happy lawns and gardens!

I LOVE finding things in pairs~
We are never alone... for He walks right beside us.

Hope your day is touched with goodness~


  1. I just love this post, Michelle. May your blessings for the rest of your week be as sweet as your soggy toes!

    Deb oxo

  2. Beautiful photos, Michelle. Congratulations on the rain. So many need so much more. I wish we could send some north!

    Thank you, also for reminding us that we never walk alone. <3

  3. Weeds can be just as lovely as the rest. Very nice.

    I'm so glad you stopped by my blog. I really loved your comment. Thank you!
