Friday, June 1

Vintage Baby Dresses...

I think I depleted our local supply of vintage baby dresses...
(at least the ones in my price range for drawing on)

Guess where these beautiful treasures are from?


Our Arizona family took us to galleries, National Parks...

I have oodles of beautiful little dresses to make for my Etsy!

This one is a little romper~

Each one more beautiful...
Some are loved a little more~ showing their age...

My first baby is graduating from high school in a few short weeks...

I remember her soft little hands making a fist...
...until they were inside a sleeve!
Maybe I should have dressed dolls a bit more!

A Sweet Friend sent two vintage dresses to me~
I drew her ideas in pen & ink on them...
Sent them home to her and she shared that she wished
they made these little dresses, with art, for adults!
~Made me smile~

I lightly soaked them yesterday.
Just to take the dust off~
I love the vintage color, light spotting etc.~ adds character!

I'm finishing up a collection of deadlines~
I hope to play! Play! PLAY! This weekend!
Hope your weekend is filled with creative fun~


  1. What beautiful little vintage baby dresses Michelle. Today I've posted my little munchkins but not in a state to wear one of those hehehe.
    A x

  2. Your blog is so beautiful. Your photos and your art are inspiring. I have saved my 32 year old daughter's baby dress and little hat. I can't wait to see what you are going to do with those dresses. Thanks, Kris

  3. Yippeeeeeee! I love them! What I like most about them is how adorable they will be once you put your fingerprint on them. Look forward to seeing those cuties!

    Have a great weekend!
    Deb oxo

  4. Beautiful dresses Michelle! I can't wait to see how you transform them!!

  5. Also looking forward to the finished product!!!
