Sunday, June 24

Graduation Day...

That moment when you're watching your baby-child
take their first steps...
The excitement and butterflies!
Multiply the joy when you watch them take their new first steps~

Our sweet Alaina graduated from high school this week!
Years filled with honors, awards... leadership... friendships...
My little artist will begin college for Graphic Design this fall.
Her art and style... vision and creativity... AMAZE me!
We pray she finds the perfect niche~ 
A career that will bring her happiness, security and contentment.

The big day has passed...
Her party was a wonderful celebration.
I think it will take a few weeks to sink in...
For now, I'm catching my breath.
Enjoying the moments...
Celebrating beautiful Alaina~ God's blessing!

Hope you have a wonderful Sunday afternoon~


  1. Hi Michelle,

    I enjoy your blog and artwork and just to say that our children obviously are the same age. My boy graduated this year too.

    On my blog, gowns blue and white.

    Enjoy that special time.

    Lil Bit Brit
    P.S. Have yet to have the graduation party

  2. Congratulations on one of many more milestones to follow! How exciting; I know you are so proud!!

  3. Congratulations to all of you! So exciting!

  4. Fine congratulations to your precious daughter, and best wishes for the adventure ahead!

  5. congratulations to both of you. such wonderful adventures ahead. My son is in grad school (at night) and just got his first professional job. I'm so excited to watch him grow.

  6. A tear rolls down my face . . . my Lovely is just starting her senior year. I know it will go by fast. I envision my daughter's face over Alaina's . . . she will also be wearing red. Congratulations to Alaina and most importantly, congratulations to mom and dad for a job well done!

    Smiles and Blessings!
    Deb oxo

  7. Congratulations to Alaina...and all her family too!
