Sunday, May 20

Arizona Landscape...

Be sure to drink a lot of water...

Nearing Sedona~

We named this "Eagle Rock" ~ can you see the Eagle head?

This beautiful color... everywhere you look~

View from Chapel Rock~

On the road again~

Montezuma's Well
The only thing that lives in the pretty teal-blue water?
I didn't dip my toe in...

Cliff houses, Montezuma's Well...

Montezuma's Castle~
They used levels of ladders!

Desert landscape...
We were higher in elevation~ the Saguaro's are missing!

Oak Creek Canyon...

America's Grand Canyon!

My photographs do not give any character description
to this breathtakingly beautiful place...

I loved when it was quiet and we could take it all in...

Alaina and I are silent in nature...
We let it share it's own story~

Sweet blossoms living in the harshest of environments~

Beauty I could have never imagined or read about.
No photograph can capture the hand of God when it is this majestic~

Hope your weekend has been wonderful!


  1. Every time we go there, it is even more beautiful. You captured it so nicely. God really sculpted this part of the country so elegantly. The peace & serenity are unexplainable there.

    Have a great day ~
    TTFN ~

  2. Arizona is where we go every winter and it's beauty never ceases to amaze me.

  3. Yes, I remember all of these so well. We took my daughter when she was young. It's so true that the camera just doesn't do the beauty of the landscape and colors justice! So glad you were able to experience it!

    Smiles and Blessings,
    Deb :o)

  4. Right? You just have to see it for yourself. There are no words to really describe it.

  5. I had the same reaction on our trip to the Grand Canyon and Sedona...amazingly beautiful! :)

  6. Wonderful pics Michelle. I have not been to the Grand Canyon in a long time. It is breath taking. The red rock in Sedona is so rich and beautiful.

  7. A breathtakingly gorgeous landscape. All that nature; those colours,.... It must be heaven standing right in it.

  8. Your pictures are beautiful. I am so glad to see that you enjoyed Arizona. I think it is one of the most beautiful places on earth.

  9. Michelle- you and Aliana had the most glorious trip-/ the photos are truly amazing. You are right/ the beauty of nature defies description. We visited the Grand Canyon last fall- it was gorgeous!

    Thank you for these fabulous pictures!
