Tuesday, April 10

Original watercolors now available~

Watercolor is my career and hobby~
My gardens make my heart smile!

Some people delve into a book to relax~
I paint!

I never know when one of my images will find their way to
a special decorative product...
The most exciting part of licensing!

I'm excited that my originals are available for purchase again~
We sold paintings through art festivals and private shows
for almost ten years.

Perhaps your first piece...
A gift for a wedding, anniversary... birthday~
They're all one of a kind.
The subjects~ pretties from my garden.
Each season holds the sweetest of subjects~

Our daughter is listing these little treasures for me...
I like to paint and Alaina needs an income!
The perfect match!
Please visit her Etsy store

Thank you, Sweet Friends!


  1. Wonderful! I love the partnership . . . mother, daughter . . . art, college funds . . . love and blessings! You two are the perfect pair!

    Deb :o)

  2. Your art work is truly amazing and I love looking at what you have created. I like all of your little critters. The pansies are so pretty, but then I am very partial to them. Have a wonderful day. Your Missouri Friend.

  3. I love that you use bright colors. So pretty.

  4. You have a lovely touch with pen to paper; do you sell note cards?

  5. Oh how exciting Michelle, I would love to a piece of your wonderful work in my home! Off to check out your daughters Etsy store, yipee!

  6. wie schön diene Blumenbilder geworden sind.. ich muss doch auch mal ausprobieren wieder Blumen zu malen...
    Ich wünsche dir einen schönen Tag!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  7. Your work is always lovely whatever you paint, the flowers are gorgeous. I have violets in the garden, love them.
    Glad to hear you girls are having fun together, following in your foot steps studying art too and sharing your work and hobbies. It is so nice to have such a lovely daughter, we are lucky.
    I am loving your shells in your side bar. Millyx

  8. More lovely water colours. So very pretty.

  9. The paintings are lovely~I so wish I could do watercolor...I bought some tiny watercolor sketch books, so I'm going to try it...
    Love you..

  10. Michelle- you and Avery make a great pair!! Your paintings are absolutely exquisite! I love them all! I hope Avery has great success as your business partner in selling these gorgeous creations. Your love of what you do-- shines through. You are blessed with amazing talents-/

  11. Hello Michelle!

    Such wonderful artwork, love each and everyone of your precious watercolours!! I got my sugar sack and totally fell in love it.Thank you Michelle so much!!! My blogfriends love it too. Come and take look at my blog :-))

    Have a great day!

  12. Your painting is just so lovely...you are very talented Michelle! Congratulations on the Esty shop. I hope you and your daughter do well!

  13. Hi Michelle,
    I haven't been here in awhile and I looked at my bunny drawings from you today and had to check in : ) They make me smile every time I see them. I see you are still creating beautiful things. I have a new grandbaby! Such a blessing from God. I am wishing you and your family all the best.

  14. First I want to thank you so much for becoming a follower...I truly cherish everyone who does...it is so exciting to meet new artists.....
    Second!!! Your watercolors!!!!! Oh my gosh...they are exquisite!!! It is everything I want to see in art....my mother was a water colorist and I so appreciate the talent...it is one I do not have...next life...so as soon as you start to offer your work I hope I will become the lucky owner of your works......as you can see gardening is a huge part of my life...so again THANKYOU !!!

  15. I thought your work looked familiar to me and sure enough I was right. I looked in my purse and found that I had purchased a little pocket calender of yours last year and was still carrying it around. It is very sweet, that is why it's still in my purse, a year later! Lovely work, Michelle.

  16. Lovely, Michelle!

    XO Diane
