Tuesday, April 24

New Original Watercolors...

Soggy & cold in the garden...
Warm & toasty in the studio...

We took clothing hampers, garbage pails, laundry baskets
to the flower beds... and covered, weighted, tucked in babies!

Some of the Narcissus that I planted last fall~
My "breast cancer pink" daffodils in memory of mom~
Didn't fit!
So six of them came inside with us...

They are so delighted to be indoors~
Their fragrance called to me!
Paint me!
Paint me!

So I did...
They're available for purchase in Alaina's Etsy store
Thank you for all of your purchases!
It is so very exciting to share originals again~

They were bright pink outside...
They have turned a very soft salmon~
Perhaps pale from the kitty cats stalking the water in their vase...

They're so tall! Robust!

The softer color...

The storm is passing~ we're thankful it was not as destructive
as expected (in our area). A few Lilac limbs have bent over...
Perhaps the blossoms will survive and then I will prune them fresh.

I didn't save the packages when I planted these beauties...
We call them "Marie"~ 
When I discover their name in one of my journals, I'll share it!

"The fragrance always stays in the hand that gives the rose"
Hada Bejar


  1. Your multiple talents never cease to amaze me and put a smile on my heart. God has blessed you with many talents - one of them being the sparkle you bring to one's eyes as they view your lovely work!

    Smiles and Blessings friend!
    Deb oxoxo

  2. They're beautiful Michelle...I've added one of your watercolors to my birthday wish list...and told family members that it's there. How's that for hinting!

    By the way...Marie is a very nice name for a plant!

  3. Michelle! This is so gorgeous! What a beautiful painting!!!
