Friday, March 23

A gift & a winner!

Thank you, Melinda!
This special gift arrived yesterday...
From a sweet blogger/Etsy friend...
I LOVE snails!
I LOVE sweet surprises!
Her kind note included a beautiful quote:
"Those who bring sunshine
to the lives of others
can not keep it from themselves"
James Matthew Barrie

You did just that, Melinda~
Brought sunshine to me & my studio!

It is rare for us to receive anything in the mail in perfect condition...
My sweet snail has a little boo boo chip~
So the beautiful touch of the tropics has been re-potted...

"Smiley" the snail has a new purpose~
Just as Melinda planned!

"Smiley" is the perfect name!
See the sweet smile? A bright blue flower kiss, too~

So sorry for the delay on selecting my Giveaway winner!
I sheared one of my teeth in half~
My dentist told me to stop eating rocks... because...
I have three broken teeth!
Two crowns and one temp. filling~ still in process... ugh.
My bottom is in the shape of a dentist chair!
That's where I have been...

When my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer
there were a lot of emergency trips out of town to help her.
Dentist appointments were continually cancelled...
Physicals cancelled...
Weight gained from eating on the road...
I do not regret helping~
I do regret four years of missed appointments & self care.
Hubby, children, mom, pets and home came first.
I knew I would eventually play catch up...
Be kind to yourself, Sweet Friends.
Take care of you~ so that you can be your best for
Everyone you care for!

Hope your Friday is off to a great start!


  1. Congratulations to the winner!!!
    Thanks Michelle for hosting a beautiful giveaway!!!
    Love the snail ~ always nice to receive those little surprises in the mail!!!
    Sorry to hear about the dentist chair shaped butt ~ hope you get fixed up in no time!!!
    Prim Blessings

  2. Melinda is definitely a sweetie . . . how kind of her to send such an 'uplifting' gift! I definitely think 'Smiley' is the perfect name :o) I think the colored pencils look adorable in his little shell.

    Even though we've missed you, we definitely prefer you take care of yourself!

    Blessing and smiles,
    Deb oxo

  3. Smiley is such a sweet little fellow. So sorry about your seemingly taking up residence in the dental chair - not a happy place to be!

  4. Congratulations to the winner!!!

  5. Very sorry to hear of your dental issues but so very thankful you are finally able to take care of YOU! I always adore your sweet and original drawings. My little pink dress with the adorable mouse you drew is a smile for me every time I look at it...daily. Blessings to you dear...

  6. I just wanted to say a big "Thank you" for the beautiful linen, the buttons, and your gorgeous artwork! I love acorns! The giant oak tree at the home I grew up in, was a favorite retreat of mine.

    I hope all is well with your teeth. I do know about postponing self-care, when life gets in the way.

    I want to apologize for the delay in this "thank you" message. We're still dealing with the loss of my father-in-law. There's much to be done in the coming weeks with the family home, but we're getting there.

    I will treasure this lovely piece of your artwork! Thank you, thank you!

    Nita Jo
