Wednesday, February 8

Watercolor Palette~

These antique watercolor wells are filled, dried and ready
to join one of my overflowing palettes...

They may have come out of an old paint box...
I couldn't find much information on them.
I love the brushed-glass lip because it pulls my brush together!

So many colors... so little time!
I've been working on several new programs at the same time~
A fabric line with a very deep, rich color theme...
A mixed media line with a second color palette, much softer...
Adding to a third program that has a very pastel base.

Instead of washing off one palette to switch & work on 
a different project I add little wells of the missing colors~
Interchangeable & very easy to clean!

These little pieces are also nice 
when there are not enough wells available in a palette.

One palette is filled with Winsor & Newton (My favorite!)
One is filled with Holbein
Some have a mix~ adding in a few Grumbacher & Da Vinci
with other less known paint lines with amazing colors!

Plates from a child's vintage play-set always come in handy~
Some artists add to their palettes with antique salts!
Wee little wells, fountains... pools of raw color.

When my new designs are published I will share with you!
Thank you for your notes asking for a peek!

For now the new work has to stay secret... protected~
Especially with the wonderful world of Pinterest!
I enjoy pinning pictures to my boards/collections... 
Gosh it's fun!
Pinterest is a colorful, digital magazine to me.
The perfect way to escape the winter browns and
peek into others unique interests!
I will NOT use the images that I have pinned as
source of reference material for my work...
Most of the photographs added to the mix are from blogs etc.
They belong to somebody.
Most blogs & photographs are copyright protected.

Hope your day is sunny & filled with creative!


  1. Shame its got to be done but you have to do what you have to do. Hope it works out OK.

    Nice to see from what you work your magic.

  2. So true, Michelle. I also would like to share... but as a darling mentor ;))) suggested me, I just cannot. So sad. Can't wait to see what you're working on! I feel very privileged to be able to sneak a peek ;) I'm sure you are doing wonders!

  3. So sorry you can't share. I don't get around much because of illness, and your work inspires me to do "my kind of work"...(but not yours!!) I am amazed at your talent and will enjoy when it is possible.:) Glad it doesn't hinder you. Have a good day!:) BJR

  4. Love your new header! So very colorful! Thanks for sharing your antique watercolor wells. . .I never knew such a thing existed. They are sweet. Happy creating to you friend!

    Blessings and Smiles,
    Deb oxo

  5. Anxiously awaiting to see your new creations. Tragic the thievery, so unnecessary.

    Have a wonderful day ~
    TTFN ~

  6. I too love your new header. That was my Grandmother's name.
    It is supposed to be a compliment when someone copies us....but somehow it never feels that way. Sorry you have had to change the way you display your artwork, but we can wait to see it and know it will be great!

  7. I always find it interesting to see what other artist use to achieve their wonderful creations.
    Your antique wells are beautiful.
    Such a bummer that there are people in the world that have to steal and call it their own. You have to do what you have to do to protect yourself.
    Always enjoy seeing what you've been working on ~ always brings a ray of sunshine to my heart.
    Prim Blessings
