Saturday, February 25

Artist Studio...

I began collecting my bird books 25 years ago~
 They range in date from mid 1800's to 2012.
Rows and rows of books that teach, identify and inform.
The more I know my little friends~
The better their portraits!
All of my studio shelves have "stuff" in front...
Frustrating to most~ I see it as reference material!

Martha Stewart has a new office collection at Staples.
Chalkboard labels... they come in two or three sizes...

They can be removed, leaving no sticky residue...
Doesn't damage surfaces~ from what I have experienced.

I love Martha's color palette and style~
Simple and classy!

I try to keep my mounds of sketchbooks in order...
(giggle, laugh... chuckle... sigh.......)
These might help, a tad.

These tags are very cool!
Rubber band at one end~

Every little bit helps, Martha!
Thankfully~ our home is more simply decorated...
My studio is a journey.

Hope you have a wonderful weekend!


  1. Wow..what a super beautiful post..your bird books look amazing..enchanting charming!

  2. I love your sense of organization! I live with two other very creative artists (hubby and daugher) who aren't so organized. I've had to slowly let go of my "type A" personality over the years to accomodate this. It's been a slow process, but I feel I've come a long way. Still love the "idea" that someday they may be more organized. LOL! Have a lovely creative day, friend!

    Smiles and hugs,
    oxo Deb

  3. I didnt know Martha had office supplies. That women does everything LOL. I may have to pick some up.

  4. Wonderful post! Love your collection of bird books, how fun it would be just to sit and look through them.

    I hadn't seen any of Martha's office collection yet. Oh my, looks like fun! =] I love the way you have used and displayed the chalkboard labels. I'll have to check into this for sure, thanks for the tip.

    Have a delightful weekend~

  5. What a great thing, those labels. I am going to have to find me some of those. Great idea, but then it is Martha. Loved all of your bird books. You create the most wonderful little animals. Happy Sunday. - Kathy

  6. Love all the inspirational stuff on your bookshelves, and the bird books of course! I'd never seen the chalkboard labels or those awesome rubber band tags. I've got to have some of those!

  7. Wonderful collection of inspiration!!! Love the flower frogs ~ I have a small collection!
    Love the chalkboard labels ~ I'll have to look for those next time I go to Michaels!!!
    Prim Blessings

  8. Great ideas and I sure need all the help I can get in my studio. :-)!
