Saturday, December 31

Made with Love...

Handmade Christmas gifts have all been given~
Now I can share a peek with you!

Had these light weight wooden boxes.
Knew they would come in handy someday...

Alaina and I took a black Friday road trip!
With so many stores opening in the wee hours~
We decided to skip our 5am dash for treasures and go sight seeing!

We headed toward Ithaca, New York.
Just outside of Ithaca there is a sweet town called Trumansburgh.
Little shops, the best NY style pizza and a candy store.
"Life's So Sweet" had these adorable finger puppets!

We have three great-nephews and one great-niece.
There must have been 30 different choices!
We picked out animals & birds that best fit each child...

I drew the animal friends on each box to match...
That way when play was finished there wasn't any mix-up
of who belonged to which puppet friend!

I used a medium tip Sharpie pen for a coloring book style outline...

Colored in the illustrations with colored pencils...

Dated and signed the back...

They liked the little blankets and "put them to bed!"
I added felt to the bottom to protect furniture surfaces~

Must admit...
I named them all while I was sketching and removing tags!
I wonder what names the little ones will come up with...

It's so fun to play pretend!


  1. What awesome gifts! A treasure for sure!

  2. Een heel goed en vooral gezond 2012 !!!.......

    Bedankt voor je liefde en steun van het afgelopen jaar......

    Het voelde als een warme deken......

    Liefs van

    ★ ┊    ★ ┊┊   ★ ┊  ★ ┊    
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    A very good and healthy 2012 !!!......

    Thank you for love and support of the past year........

    It felt like a warm blanket..........

    Love from

  3. Just adorable! Love your creative ideas! I'm sure the little ones were so excited with their very special 'one of a kind' animal boxes!

    Wishing you and your family a very blessed New Year!


  4. Beautiful, Michelle! Loved catching up here. Happy New Year!

  5. Upon my soul...such treasures! I feel certain that such lovelies shall bring smiles for MANY years to come!

    Wishing you and yours a bright and shiny New Year!

    Judy ox

  6. These are so darned cute! What a special creative idea. A treasure for the kids to keep for many years! where did you get those cute little boxes?? Adorable!

  7. I can feel the love that went into these! They are bound to become family heirlooms. Happy 2012!

  8. Those are adorable! I bet they came up with some awesome names!

  9. O Michelle such sweet gifts and the boxes are amazing! Wishing you a very Happy New Years!hugs lilraggedyangie

  10. WOW! Just wonderful.You're so creative, Michelle...
    I'm sure the little ones are in love with these.
    Monica x

  11. Treasures indeed. I hope they are played with often and then tucked away and saved to share with their children.
    Wishing you and all those you hold dear a happy and healthy new year.

  12. Just lovely, Michelle. You are sooo creative!!

    Happy New Year! May God richly bless you and yours!!

  13. Wonderful gifts Michelle! I'm sure they were a huge hit!

  14. What a brilliant way to complete your little gifts. They will be loved for ever, I am sure. Happy New Year. x Jo

  15. I have been scrolling through your blog and I just wanted to tell you how talented I think you are! Your paintings....your felting projects....all fabulous! I am so glad I found your blog!
