Monday, November 28

Needle Felted Birds...

A batch of wool songbirds to share with you~

We have had very mild weather...
I was walking my pup yesterday morning and a bird
perched in our hedgerow and sang a large song to me!
It actually hurt my ears!

I took visual notes... had never seen this beautifully LOUD friend!
She turned to the left for the perfect profile...
Tilted her tail up...
Flew up high so I could check out her tummy colors...

My new friend is a female Orchard Oriole!
I wonder what she was telling me all about...
A male & female Cardinal perched nearby to hear her story~
She chased them off and then came forward in the tree
to share more with my pup and I!
Perhaps she likes the new suet flavor?

I keep notes of my feathered friends visits...
Especially new birds!
How fun it would be to translate her story!
Such a beautiful girl~

I'm off to list my new felted birds in my Etsy store~

Hope your holiday was wonderful and that your
new week is off to a great start!


  1. I just love to hear about your animal/nature encounters . . . it makes me smile to hear how much you pay attention to every detail of their visit! You deserve such visits because you are a very special person! Have a great day, friend!

    Blessings and Smiles,
    Deb oxo

  2. Your felted birds are delightful and I can't imagine how you make them. How fun for you to discover another bird along the lane; for me last week a new bird visitor was the Rufus-sided Towhee (I posted a photo a couple days ago).

  3. I love your sweet, and how cool you got to hear and see your bird friends up close and personal!

  4. Cute story and adorable birds! Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving, Michelle.

  5. Sweet story ,your felted birds are gorgeous!Hugs,Jen

  6. Oh I love to find new birds and wonder where they came from and why I have never seen them around before!
    Your beautiful felted birds are a treasure that will be loved for years to come by anyone lucky enough to purchase one!
    Tina xo

  7. These are so sweet! My fave is the little one w/the scarf...I pulled him up on Etsy so I could see his cuteness from every angle by clicking through your pictures:)

  8. Such sweet wee birdies! Moving to the apartment has meant we are finally getting some birds to come to a feeder & I'm so excited about that. At the house we had hawks and the little songbirds were too afraid to come.

  9. Your little birds are just darling Michelle! Very cute. I do love the birds and as we don't get many that stick around during the winter, I tend to have a lot of little bird trinkets tucked around the house. They make me happy!

    Wishing you a wonderful week!
    xo Catherine

  10. You are so talented !
    Your birds look like they are going to fly away in a second !
    Very lovely !
    Best to You my Dear !

  11. Very well done. I love a bird motif, from salt shakers to dog bowls. I'll look on Etsy!


  12. Michelle, your felted birds are so lovely. I am a huge bird lover and am always trying to get more to visit my garden. I hope your new friend sticks around your place.
    Michelle your artwork is wonderful!

  13. The felted birds are wonderful and the added letter block is a great touch.
    I love that we get a bit of your world in your creations. It's always interesting to hear how something inspired the various things you make. Then in turn, you inspire us!

  14. Michelle, I just discovered you & love your work. I have your calendar "Outside my Window" (2012)so decided to look you up on the internet. I just love the adorable drawings, paintings & felted animals. You are so very talented!
