Monday, October 31

Harvest Sketches...

I hope your day has been filled with sweet treats!
I thought I would share a Harvest image from my portfolio...

Ideas come to me on walks, while watching TV...
In restaurants, in the shower, in church~
Everywhere! All the time!
I make quick illustrations so I don't forget.

Sometimes my sketches sit for years...
Other ideas are so fresh and fun I paint them immediately!

These little kitty sketches...
We have three cats.
When we bring ANYTHING into our home they
immediately believe in their hearts... it is for them to sit on,
climb on, sleep on... rub, scratch etc. etc.
They find their way into many of my originals~

Hope your evening is safe and happy~


  1. I would like to add one more good "thinking spot" . . . the toity! LOL! Granted my thoughts aren't as adorable and creative as yours, but I have had many "epiphanies" whilst sitting upon the toity! Love your sketches . . . they make for a very festive Halloween!

    Prayers to you my friend!
    Deb :o)

  2. I love your work! This new one is so wonderful!

  3. Love, love, love to see your creative process! You're such an amazing artist- so fun to get a peek behind the scenes of how you make your magic:)

  4. I absolutely love Your work.I did go to ETSY, it is a "feast for eyes and soul" !
    My blog is mostly in Polish,but...I speak English too. I also have little store on ETSY called Alinas'art,come,visit me too!
    Best to You!

  5. Lovely artwork as always. Interesting to see how your design process works and to learn how you capture the ideas that come to you when walking or in the shower!

  6. Michelle, these are so cute!

    Hope you are feeling at peace....
    Warm hugs to you and your family....


  7. Love your sketch. It is a Happy Halloween!
