Thursday, September 15

Thank you giveaway coming soon!

A little note to say Thank you for following along!

I love to share some of the artsy fun I have...
With over 700 followers!!!
We need to celebrate together...
With a giveaway!

I'm trying to decide what to make for the thank you!

One of my new full-color transfers?
A vintage linen pen and ink?
A needle felted friend?

I know there will be buttons attached...
Alaina just discovered a new tin of buttons and she is sharing
a little load of mother of pearl cuties with me! 
 My button girl turned 18 yesterday... she is a treasure!
Thank you, again Sweet Friends~
You make my heart smile!


  1. Hi Michelle,
    Always a Joy to stop by and see what you have been up to. Love your little Cardinal with the hat and scarf a few posts back. So sweet.
    ~ ~Ahrisha~ ~

  2. I can so see these little snails as objects of your drawings - very cute!

  3. Congratulations on all of your followers!! Love the pics of the snails!!

  4. I am imagining the conversation between those snails in your pics :-)
    I'm sure they are enjoying posing for you to draw them.
    "please draw my best side Michelle"
    A x

  5. такие прикольные!!!!!!!!

  6. Congratulations, thats a fabulous milestone. Not really surprising though, because your artwork is simply gorgeous. and everybody loves seeing what you come up with next.

  7. Now I never would have thought I would think snails beautiful...but these are wonderful...lovely colours.
    I'm sure whatever you decide to giveaway will be sweet.

  8. Smiling hearts are the best! Thanks for all you do!

    Smiles and Blessings,
    Deb :o)

  9. I also love buttons and seeing your creations.
