Tuesday, May 24

Reference material...

Hello friends!
Many things have kept me from saying hello and adding
new treasures to my Etsy shop~
I've tried to stop by and see what you have been up to!

My blog wouldn't allow me to sign in for several days~
We have that resolved and I can post about my latest
reference photographs!
I will share my finished designs once Copyrights are filed~

I have oodles of botanical books...
Late 1800's illustrations through present day~
There is nothing like gathering your own photos!

This common Dandelion was a wonderful model...
I need to find several seed heads to complete my series!
I don't have to search too far~
They LOVE to pop up in my flower beds...
Peering taller and bolder than the rest!

This spring I have added several studies to my collection...
With so much rain and growing family needs I have had to
take extensive notes, sketches and photographs for "someday."

No matter how careful, I break the root...
I'm convinced weeds grow to the center of our Earth!

Praying for all of you through these violent storms~
Sending love... You are not alone...


  1. The humble Dandelion is an extraordinary plant, so beautiful in its proportions. Fowers, leaves and seed heads have inspired artists and designers throughout the years. Now we wait to see what you have been upto!

  2. Hi Michelle,
    LOL! Again, if you ever find yourself short on "reference material", I can send you plenty from my neighbor's yard! Isn't it funny how we find dandelions so facinating as young ones (who hasn't had fun blowing the seeds?), then take on a different outlook as adults. I like your open mind. I believe that's what makes you so creative!

    It's a blessing to see your post after so long.
    Deb :o)

  3. How come the roots of the weeds run miles deep, but the expensive perennials? Only a half inch deep I think. Even the bunnies can pull those up!! :(

    xo Catherine

  4. I look on with interest at what you are going to do:o)) I must thank you very much for the beautiful ink sketches which arrived safely yesterday - 2 tote bags and 3 patches of teddy bears and a bunny:o))
    Take care and have a good day.
    Hugs Lyn x

  5. Michelle, they will be beautiful drawings for sure when you do them!!! How have you been doing? It just seems like forever since I have been out visiting blogs.....I think I have missed so much! I love your new work.....I have given my wish list to my children!!!
    Margaret B

  6. Michelle- I can remember as a cold that I loved dandelions- I used to pick bouquets of them and give to my Mom and sisters. Still today- I think those little flowers are so pretty- I hate to run them over with my lawn mower! ( but I do--!)

    In always feel so happy when I visit here- your posts are refreshing and always beautiful.

  7. Michelle, I like dandelions too! And I agree about not sharing the art until it's filed. I just had someone infringe TWELVE of my images!
    Long story!! Most removed from the internet after much support from other art friends and a confrontation! Brazen, that's all I can say! Hope you are enjoying this warmer weather!
    Hugs, Missing You!

  8. Good morning Michelle,

    today the sweet rabbit has arrived, is very beautiful!

    I will sew rabbit on belly of great rabbit made of ancient flax, it will be very beautiful.
    I hope clients like so I will buy many other sketches art.
    Rosarita Meneghetti

  9. Hi Michelle,
    Just checking in with you. I'm sure you've been super busy with life. This time of year has a way of doing so, especially with teenagers. I hope life is treating you well.

    Sending love and smiles your way!
    Deb :o)

  10. Me gustan tus trabajos.
    Te felicito por ellos

  11. Michelle,
    I wanted to stop by and let you know that my Son is back in the USA today from Iraq. It has been such a long year, and you have always been so kind and supportive. It means so much, thank you.
