Thursday, April 14

Bushels of Bunnies...

"Gratitude is when a memory is stored in
the heart and not in the mind.”

Lionel Hampton

When we watch the news there are very few
reports sharing the positive nature of people.
We are good.
We are kind and caring.
We share our hearts.
We help.
We hope.
We pray.
We give.

As I sat drawing oodles of bunnies to busy my
mind, heart and hands...
I once again witnessed what I have always
believed in and trusted~
People love.
Cancer units are difficult for me.
I don't do well with medical stuff...
God has given each of us our own strengths & talents...

I am so very grateful for the nurses, staff, technicians...
doctors... secretaries... etc. that are caring for my mom.
Everyday these AMAZING hearts walk into
offices, hospitals, hospice, exam rooms to make a difference.
They have compassion, strength and understanding... take over where family can't.
I am so very grateful for that.

I hope your day is sunny and filled with great memories!


  1. Michelle,
    I love your post today (don't I always?). Especially touching when you mentioned your mom. I thank God for the wonderful people who are surrounding your mom. Not knowing your circumstances, I pray for a quick recovery for her and love and blessings in your life as you journey through life with her.

    Thank you for your blessings!
    Deb oxo

  2. Sweet Michelle, This made me cry. You are so right. We need to celebrate more the good that we are surrounded with in people, and focus on the lovely. There's enough junk to bring us all down if we allow it to. Praying for all that concerns you and for your Mom of course.
    Love and hugs to you, my friend,

  3. The bunnies are are you.

  4. I am an RN is Florida - Thank you's are often unsaid - You would be amazed at how much it means to hear one !!!!Blessings to you and your family

  5. I too have tears in my eyes as I sat where you sit some 22 years ago. The nurses, doctors, all the care people worked so hard and cared so much. I still remember their names and their kindness. They are remarkable people. Take care Michelle.

  6. Michelle, I so understand your words of gratitude. Just thinking of my recent fall and how much worse it could have been makes me appreciate each day even more! Wishing you and your Mom and your family only peace and continued kindness from all of her caregivers.
    Blessings and Love, Dear Friend,

  7. Thinking of you and your mum, and the people who are taking care of her with you,

  8. I'm sorry that your mom needs the caring of those special people, but it's good to know they are there and so willing to be a soft place to fall. Gentle hugs to both you and your mom. ((( )))

  9. Hi Michelle:
    Beautiful bunnies. I'm lifting up healing prayers for your mom, you and your family.

  10. Hi Michelle,
    Oh my gosh you bunnies are so sweet. They each have their own little personality.

    Sending warm thoughts and prayers to you and your mom and all those lovely people that care for her....they truly do have a special gift.

    Big hugs ~ Jenn

  11. I loved this post and needed it today! I am a nurse and between budget cuts and staffing cuts, I sometimes don't get to spend as much time with my patients as I want. Without fail, I always get so much more from my patients than I feel like I give.

    I do hope that your Mom is feeling stronger and that you take comfort in the fact that nurses do what they do because it IS a calling and they wouldn't do anything else!

    I love your little bunnies...your artwork makes ME feel peaceful:)

  12. I'm so glad your Mom is in such good hands and will remember her and your family in my prayers. My Mom had a wonderful doctor and when she got sick the hospital she was in had a remarkable staff. In her final days, at hospice, I watched the staff treat her with love and dignity. It's good to remember and thank these selfless people.

  13. These are just so sweet! Bless you for keeping the bunny in Easter alive !

  14. Michelle,

    Love and prayers to you and your family.


  15. Hallo, du hast einen wunderschönen Blog, so liebevolle Sachen und die Häschen sind einfach lieb.
    Frohe Ostern und liebe Grüße Annerose

  16. Michelle, I am so sorry to hear that your Mom is fighting cancer. It is a terrible disease but I am thankful that you both have the support of caring and compassionate people. Sending up prayers for the both of you and thanking you for thanking the caregivers, it is much appreciated. Take care, Deb

  17. Michelle- I do so hope that your Mother is finding love and genuine compassion by those who care for her. I will say a prayer for her comfort. Thank you for sharing your appreciation for those who are caring for your Mom. I can only imagine how difficult this is for you. I have truly been where you are. Bless you Michelle as you travel this emotional and difficult road~~

  18. Your bunny art is delightful.

    My thoughts and prayers are with you and your mom. Art got me through my sister's ordeal with ovarian cancer back in '98. It gave me a focus when I think I would have otherwise just floundered when not at the hospital.

    Thanks for sharing.
