Friday, March 18

Feathers Flying...

Mild days have warm, brisk winds whipping up
dried fall leaves from the flower gardens...
Our cats are running from window to window
trying to catch them! Knocking over everything in
their way of "the big catch!"

I took our pup outside to brush (more)
MOUNDS of hair off... I already saw a little bird
pick up a tuft of it and zip away...
Better lining their little nests than ours! (giggle)
I find some of the most beautiful little nests
on windy days... tossing across the yard like tumbleweed.
I have been promising vintage baby dresses
and linens... I must apologize...
We have had several crazy-busy weeks.
I am thankful for every crazy moment with our teens...
For I know so very soon~
They will leave the nest and there will be
plenty of empty moments and time to catch up!
I have oodles of notes to write back to, so many of
your sweet blogs to visit and catch up on...
I am hoping for studio time this weekend!
Hope your weekend is sweet, sunny and fun-filled~
Thank you for all of your comments and cheer!


  1. Good Morning, Michelle!!! I see you have signs of spring too! Oh, do we ever need it!

  2. These are so sweet Michelle.

  3. It is delightful to finally have a bit of springtime! Yes...the winds are busy this day...the fresh air from across the lake is splendid.

    Your wee birdies are so very charming...a sign of your joyful spirit surely.


  4. As anxious as we are for little peeks at your sweet creations, we understand that it is more important for you to attend to your family . . . after all, they are your foundation, and without that, we wouldn't be able to share in your creations. Your family and God are your inspirations!

    Deb :o)

  5. I love birds - Your work is lovely !!

  6. Lovely birds, they are one of my great loves.

  7. Hi Michelle:
    I can just see that little bird flying off with a slip of dog hair. My two are due for a brushing, so I'll think of it differently this time. We've had a female cardinal visiting each morning - and banging up against our living room window. Seems those cardinals just can't resist. Last year it was a male!
    Love your new little bird drawings...
    See you again soon.

  8. Hi Michelle
    I ♥ Love your little bird sketches on fabric.

  9. I cannot imagine how you do it all Michelle - your family - your busy chldren - your business - the blog - you are a wonder woman for sure!! You are so right - in the blink of any eye - your sweet children will be off on their own -enjoy them now.

    Love the little sketches - so adorable!

