Monday, January 17

Sharing some love...

Hope all of you had a wonderful weekend!
Sweet 17 and I were at a friends house, helping her
sort through years of treasured collections...
As she prepares to move into a very small apartment.
We always love visiting with her...
To where she found some of her favorite things.
How she risked life and limb at auctions!
Traveled states away to dealers...
Her visits in Shaker communities...
The most amazing, odd, rare and unique goodies!

We have purchased from her through the years...
She shares with so many~
She is finding her way through this downsize.
"These boxes for the college... this one for the antique
dealer... this one here to a brother, that one a niece...
Libraries... nursing homes..." she is a treasure!
The greatest treasure~
Her love!
We will have to find new projects in our future
visits... perhaps we will scrapbook, organize & journal!
Her heart and mind are filled with stories
we want to preserve for a very long time~

Hope your day is filled with love~


  1. It's always a blessing to find those special people who God "sneaks" into our lives. Their sparkle finds a way into hearts and without even knowing it, we often pass that sparkle on to someone else. Have a super day!


  2. She sounds like a real treasure! And how sweet that you and your daughter were able to help her.

  3. Such cute new items Michelle!
    It is a blessing to have a friend like that, but even more of a blessing because your 17 yr old daughter wants to go with you!

  4. Such a beautiful post..these are all wonderful!

  5. Sei talmente brava...
    Sono sempre senza parole quando ho di fronte i tuoi tenerissimi disegni.
    Riescono sempre a meravigliarmi per la loro dolcezza e la bravura che dimostri ad ogni opera che ci mostri.
    Complimenti sinceri...

  6. Great post. It is so important to share not only our time but ourselves with others. Your friend sounds as if she is a blessing to all those around her.
    Love the drawings and the buttons.

  7. Owls are my favourite ~ this one is extra cute!

    Sometimes our sweetest treasures have the most memories!

    Hope you are having a lovely week!
    xo Catherine

  8. It sounds like you had a wonderful adventure. It is always so amazing to help someone organize their house and have the opportunity to see what they treasure and collected. I always find it so poignant and it never fails to fill me with curiosity and wonder...
    Have a great day Michele!
    Tina xo

  9. Michelle - what a wonderful gift you gave to your friend inhelping her to downsize as she prepares for this change in her life. Truly - a loving gesture to give of yourself that way!

    Love the little sketches - the owl is my favorite - so beautiful - they all are!


  10. I's really adorable Michelle!!
    J'aime beaucoup, comme toutes vos merveilleuses réalisations!!!

    ✿◕ ‿ ◕✿
