Wednesday, December 1

Flow Blue...

I love all colors...
By far~ blue on white is my favorite!
Flow blue and watercolors...
Close relatives...
Best friends...
We find plate pieces buried in our gardens...
Hubby will be digging and I'll toss myself down
to rescue a chip! Perhaps that is why I enjoy gardening!
It's one big treasure hunt~

We found a new little tea cup at a local antique shop.
Chipped, cracked and stained~
It cost less than a candy bar...
Much fewer calories, too!
Hope you find some fun finds~


  1. Oh yes, Blue & White is one of my favorite too. The Flow Blue is a bit too dark for my taste..but do love the lighter blue & white.
    You find this stuff in your garden ?? How cool is that !


  2. My favorite too!
    I do a lot of blue and white art, plus items around the house, something so fresh and clean about these colors!
    Love your photos!

  3. I too love blue and white. These are pretty!

  4. What lovely finds. Blue is my fav colour too.
    A x

  5. Just beautiful Michelle and it really does inspire a person to want to just whip out those watercolors and get painting! Happy creating.
    Tina xo

  6. Flow still my heart! Enjoy your found treasures Michelle!

  7. Ahhh, flow blue is so exquisite! Thanks for sharing your pictures, I love them! Deb

  8. I do not know Flow Blue however blue and blue and white are my favorites in all mediums. What a treasure to find pieces in your garden. Happy weekend...

  9. Me too, Michelle! And according to Country Sampler magazine, flow blue is on the rise AGAIN as one of the Top Ten collectibles! So they're becoming even more valuable.
    Hugs, friend!

  10. You find pieces in your yard? WOW. Such wonderful surprises for you.

    I love the blue and white as well and don't own one single piece of it. But I ooh and aaah over photos of it on blogs.


  11. Flow Blue is beautiful. So fun to find the little pieces. Like a treasure hunt!
