Wednesday, September 22

Much Needed Smiles...

There are those days, weeks... months... when it is
just a bit difficult to smile. My hubby is my dearest
friend~ our children are the most understanding and
supportive teens... so thankful for their love.

Someone very dear to me is fighting stage 4 breast
cancer. I have been at her side to hear the ups, downs &
in-between... mammograms have never detected
the fierce spot that brought the disease to her lymph
nodes and practically every bone from her skull
to her knees. The medicines have kept her fighting
for nearly three years~ but things have started
to deteriorate... options are disappearing.

So many of you share your brave stories...
I pray for you when I pray for her.
Fragile times have brought us close.

Her courage and determination are inspiring.
I am thankful that God gives me strength to walk
through doors I once refused to open...
Even more thankful for the AMAZING
compassion and kindness every health care
provider shares...
That extra special touch.
The understanding glance.
Such special hearts...
Thank you.
I feel selfish when tears cloud over...
I'm not the most sturdy of shoulders...
I did manage to share MANY smiles with her over the
past couple days... My soggy smiles :)
She doesn't mind my tears...
As long as there are smiles and giggles tucked inside~

A new season... in many ways.
Wishing you hope... on your journey~


  1. Dear Michelle:
    I'm sure your friend is grateful for you in her life. I'll say a prayer that you find strength to continue to wrap her in love and friendship for whatever lies ahead for her.
    Blessings, my friend.

  2. What a lovely post...I'll being praying for your journey as well as her's.

  3. Beautiful post - your fiend is lucky to have you. I will be thinking of you both.

  4. Michelle,
    it is the most difficult place to bee-I know- I lost my sister 2years ago, also to cancer, and I spend lots of time with her.
    But you being there means so very much for both of you.
    I hope the next part of the journey,will not be too difficult, for your frien, and you.

  5. Michelle, i feel for you and your friend going through such a difficult and sad time. Sending prayers your way, for strength for both of you. This disease touches so many of us, lets hope there will be a cure found in the very near future. Hugs Robynxx

  6. I am so sorry for the hard times you are going thru now. Will keep you and your friend with me all day today.
    Be Strong.
    With love from one of your blogging friends.

  7. Oh precious Michelle ~
    I am so sorry ~
    Many hugs and prayers for your dear friend ~

  8. Oh Michelle, I was having a sad day, my sister and Mom passed away from this dreaded has been over 8 years but I still cry like a baby and it feels so fresh when I think of are the best to stay by your friends side!!!
    I love your pumpkins....I need some of those, they just look happy and cheery!

  9. I'm so sorry to hear of your friend's illness. How terrible this disease is. I know your friend must be enormously comforted by your presence.


  10. Spent a lot of time in your same situation earlier this year. Tears running down my face as I write this. Life is so fragile and precious. I wish my friend and I had shared more of our hearts with each other all along, instead of just when the moments were numbered and few. I watched her take her last breath and that image haunts me to this day. Michelle you share your heart here with us and I am sure your have shared much more with your friend. You will never be sorry for expressing love. A fight of such magnitude is so much better fought with a friend.

  11. I'm so sorry for the struggle you are going through with your dear friend, my heart is breaking for you.

    But when I look at your art, I know that the joy that lies at your core will see you through and ease her on her journey.

    Don't worry about not being a strong shoulder...remember, courage is not about not being afraid (or sad.) Courage is about being there anyway.

    My love to you and your dear friend,

  12. My prayers are with both of you to find the strength you both need in different ways. God be with you both at this most difficult time♥

  13. I will keep her in my prayers....and yes, I know how hard life can be and what contradictions that we face. Good times...and sad times all mixed up together! Diane K. mentioned your beautiful work this morning and here I am! I don't know how I could be missing all of your beautiful Fall creations! I'm going to put your blog on my list of favorites so that I don't miss anything else! Happy Fall to you! ♥

  14. Your friend is indeed blessed to have you there for her. So many people turn away at times like this because they don't know what to do or say. You are there and listening and laughing and crying along with her and that is worth more than anything in this world. Bless you both.

  15. I feel your heavy heart. My Mom passed away almost a month ago, and I have yet to be able to smile and really mean it. I wish I had some more days just to tell her how much I loved her.
    I'm sure you're using your days with your wonderful friend in ways that will help you down the road.
    Big hugs to you both, Michelle.

  16. Michelle - your honesty and your courage and your faith are helping to sustain both you and your friend during this ordeal. We have always known that pretense is useless and destructive - yet what an affirmation of that fact when we see the power of "getting real" and how it actually becomes a source of comfort in our worst times. You and your friend are in my prayers. God bless you both.

  17. How blessed you and your friend are to have each other, especially during such a difficult time.

    I am sure your shoulders have been the much needed comfort and support she has needed...

    I will keep you both in my prayers....

    Lou Cinda

  18. Through my tears I read your post and find it so warm and open with your honesty of helping your friend through this journey. It is never an easy road but one that must be taken sometimes. Prayers for strength and healing...

  19. Your post echoes the way I am feeling right now but for different reasons. I am sending you all my love and best wishes across the ocean. xxx

  20. I too had a friend pass away of breast cancer. It is very difficult to watch, but your friend needs and appreciates you now more than ever. The Lord will keep her in His loving arms just as you do.

  21. Having lost my mother and a dear friend to cancer I feel your pain. You are doing what your friend needs most now, your kindness and friendship. Believe me when I say she understands your tear filled smiles. She really does. Take care.

  22. I'm sorry about your friend. I know you will love her and cherish her forever. She will live in you memory. Until then, enjoy every minute. HUGS- Lee

  23. Hi My Friend,
    Praying for all that concerns you, and trusting that the One who knows each detail, and to Whom you are more precious than anything, is working it all out. May His tender mercies rain down on each of you, Michelle.

    I featured my first piece using your pumpkin art. Pop by and see. It was Saturday's post. I think it came out great!
    Love and prayers,

  24. Dear, dear Friend,
    As a breast cancer survivor, every time I hear of another woman having to go through this terrible disease, my heart goes out to her and to her loved ones. It truly is a heartache for those who love so much but are helpless to do anything except be there...
    Call me anytime! God bless,
    Much love, Diane
