Monday, June 21

New Muslin Birds for Etsy...

I watched two movies last night...
Little muslin illustrations helped me stay awake!
Sweet feathered friends
for my Etsy Shop!

Some of the nests are empty...
Wee babies are bouncing around the lawn~
trying to fly...

We watched a momma bird play "injured"
(to distract attention away from babies)
as the middle school students were leaving for the day.
Sweet 16 and I wished she would just be calm,
quiet and try to blend in...
We were there long enough to see that the threat
cleared and she attended her little ones.

I could draw birds all day everyday...
Each with their own personality and beauty...
More coming soon!


  1. Dear Michelle, your little birds are so ,so beautifully made, love they comes with a feather.

  2. There is so much love and attention put into every one of your beautiful creations. They are just perfect.
    A x

  3. Your newest little birdies are as darling as ever. The amount of work that you produce is truly inspiring, there is no doubt in my mind that your love what you do.

  4. I adore your little birdies!!!

  5. So "tweet" your little birds and feathers and eggs are. Happy creating...

  6. Oh, I found a little baby bird in the chicken run yesterday. I don't know how it got inside the chicken wire. ANywa, I saw mama nearby, but couldn't figure out what kind she was. I put on my gardening gloves and half-crawled in the run and scooped the baby up. It seemed a little stunned- then- CHEEP CHEEP CHEEP!!! The alarms went off, I had mama and papa tweeting at me. Turns out the little squeaker could sort of fly. So I put it out in the run itself where the parents could cheer it on. Turns out the little family were Rose Breasted Grosbeaks- simply stunning!

  7. What delightful little birds...Really lovely!!! Cathy

  8. I am always astounded at the amount of work you produce, each piece as fresh as a daisy.

  9. Oh Michelle....your birds are lovely! I can't believe the detail you are able to create on fabric..simply amazing! And am I ever jealous of all the feathers you found...WOW!

  10. I would like one of everything you do -- Everything is fabulous!! Can I shrink myself down into a baby's body so that I can wear some of those precious clothes? I wish that I knew someone who had a little baby! I will have to go to your shop to find something for myself. You are blessed with incredible talent!
    Robin from Pittsburgh, PA
