Saturday, June 5

Feathers & New Art...

Sweet 16 and I found a barn sale that had
boxes filled with all sorts of goodies!
Look at all these feathers!
She found a huge box of stained glass...
I know she will be sharing pictures when she
gets her blog up and running~

I need a day to sit and clean them...

Huge ones...
Little ones...
Bright ones...
Dull ones...

I love these plump shapes...
They're my favorites!

I listed a few more pieces in my etsy shop...

I'm running out of my little circles...
They're so much fun to draw on!

I know something else will catch my eye!

I love the Americana pieces...
When I invest in a sewing machine...
(giggle, giggle)
I will make pillows, banners, etc. with
patriotic themes to fill our home!

These old buttons are so thick!

I have always loved lighthouses...
Always a favorite subject at art festivals!

Hope you stop by my Etsy store to see
all of my new pieces...
More coming soon!

School is winding down for our teens~
Such a CRAZY BUSY time...
But a VERY GOOD time!

Hope you're having a great weekend!


  1. Michelle - thank you so much for visting the Honeysuckle Breeze. Love your blog and lusting after those marvelous feathers. And, OK, I admit it, I went to your Etsy shop and bought a few items. Great art! Marlynn

  2. Dear Michelle,
    you had a great buy,-your feathers are amazing-so many different ones.
    And I love your:"early bird..."
    such a lovely and sweet little one,-I hope ,dear friend, that You will find new beautifull items,to make all your most wonderfull drawings,of little birds,and other wonderfull images ,-on..--I`m sure you will!!
    Have a lovely sunday Michelle.
    Hugs, Dorthe

  3. What a great find, all those beautiful feathers! Love the lighthouses!

  4. Oh my gosh! I love those little circles! So very sweet!

  5. Hello Michelle, I just adore your work - loves birds and those feathers a beautiful...I wonder what kind of birds they belonged to. Bless them for sharing them with us.

  6. What a great find, and love your new little pieces

  7. Hi Michelle, I've only been following your blog for a couple of months. I love your work. I specialise in embroidery and mixed media, but can't draw at all. Is it possible for you to sell items to the UK. I have a PayPal account. I would love to make some of your pieces as the centrepeice of my crazy quilting. Blessings

  8. What an unusual thing to find. A box full of feathers. Love the early bird gets the worm!

  9. Oh Michelle, what a terrific find!!
    The colors are outstanding. I met a few weeks ago in SC Ann Kullberg.
    She was teaching for 3 days portrait studies. The 2nd session is in January. If I do my homework and she approves I may get to go to that session without the first. So maybe just maybe someday when I grow up I can do pencils a smidgen like you. LOL ya sure, in my dreams. Hugs

  10. My friend, it is always a joy to visit and see what you are up to! First of all, you're the Feather-Finding-Queen even without this cache you came across! And're adding colors to your sketches! Wonderful!!
    You've obviously been having FUN!
    XXXXOOOO Diane

  11. Hi Michelle, you are a truly talented lady! Love your art; I also am a nature lover. I would love to find a box full of feathers--they are beautiful!
    I enjoy your blog~~~Lisha
