Saturday, May 15

Jelly Jars for Button Drawers...

I was working on a special project the other day...
Sweet 16 and Adorable 13 helped me clean up~
before the cats could get in and klutz around.
I can't seem to keep our furry friends out of my studio.
Sneaky kitties open the screen door...
Hide inside while I'm blocking the screen door...
I need one place in our home without paws & hair!

These tiny jam jars fit nicely in shallow drawers!
Wee little juice glasses work well, too.
The buttons stay dust (and cat hair) free...
Easy to see...
Easy to take out and put away.
They're old~ I find them in thrift shops, garage sales etc.

I have washed & pressed a new supply of linens...
The baby dresses are ON TOP!
That means they're next...
Building up confidence...
I know they'll be sweet...
My pen and ink will behave... no mistakes!

Hope your weekend is off to a great start!


  1. Ohhh Michelle ~
    I know whatever you do on those wonderful linens and adorable dresses will be beautiful !
    I cannot wait to see ~

  2. I can hardly wait to see the finished projects! They're going to be wonderful!

    Love the button jars in the drawer ~ what a great, dust-free idea!

  3. I think anything you attempt to do with them will be wonderful! I am a big fan and love your work-you are an inspiration to me..I'm just beginning to "play" with watercolors and an still a wee bit intimidated :-)

  4. Looking forward to seeing what you do with the sweet dresses! ~ Angela

  5. Your linen collections are wonderful. I will be happy to see what you create with them...your art is so fine and detailed...delicate like the fabric you are working with. Can't wait for my new purchases to arrive!
    Pleasant weekend Michelle~

  6. Estoy deseando ver tus proyectos terminados, pintan de maravilla.
    besitos ascension

  7. Your collection of buttons looks beautiful this way!
    The linen is wonderful. I wonder what you are going to make but it will certainly be wonderful again!
    Hope you have a great weekend,

    Suzanne xxx

  8. Lovely linens, I will watch with interest what becomes of them. the buttons are good too, that's a good idea putting them in little jars.

  9. Hi Michelle, the dresses,and other items, will be so special, and beautifull with your drawings,
    -and jars in drawers are great.
    xo Dorthe

  10. What a splendid stash of buttons and linens! As a youngster I would have wanted to sort and resort the buttons in their jars.

  11. I'm so anxious to see what you do with the baby things...I know it will be adorable!!
