Saturday, April 10

Special People...

I purchased another treasure from Valerie Greeley!
Her blog, Acorn Moon is a joy~

I love to visit her Etsy Store!

As I unwrapped my new treasure...
I had goosebumps!
It is gorgeous!

Valerie enclosed an adorable egg tin~
Printed with one of her BEAUTIFUL paintings...
Wonderful artist... sweet, sweet gal~

Her signature...

This sweet bird was a wonderful surprise yesterday!
A gift from...
Kristin, from Kleas
Such an adorable, little bird that made this
empty bird nest come to life!

Her blog always makes me smile!

I met Kathy from Kat Collects
She's a gem! LOVE her blog...
Kathy asked if I would draw a special bunny
piece with five bunnies... her sweet babies.
I thought it would be fun to draw them to look like
her family of bunnies...
She has posted about her piece today~

I enjoy meeting each of you through your blogs...
Throughout my day~ while the paint is drying~
I love to stop by and share in your joy, projects
creative decorating... hurts, sadness... celebrations!

It is so nice to meet wonderful people
from every corner of America and around the world!

Hope you have a wonderful weekend~


  1. Hi Michelle!
    I so love visiting your blog and viewing your art. I want to visit the blogs you have mentioned too.

    Thank you so much for your comment about my birds. You have no idea how it encouraged me. I have been in a bit of a befuddle about a direction to go, and you helped confirm it. I am very grateful...
    Love, your fellow pack-ratter, Debra

  2. I love this ribbon, I should love to have some like that for my sweet friend Shell and her gorgeous bunnies!!!
    Margaret B

  3. Hi Michelle,
    I love the bunny ribbon that you created. So pretty and sweet.


  4. Valerie does beautiful work, doesn't she, Michelle. How lucky to be a proud owner of one of her books!

  5. Hi Michelle,
    Thank you so much for the sweet words. I feel so blessed that we "met" through our blogs. You captured my bunnies perfecty! Wishing you a peaceful Sunday.

  6. Michelle, you are so very generous, I am so pleased that you like my book.

    Your bunnies are adorable!

  7. Just wanted to say how much I love your sweet little drawings! I print my designs on to fabric and draw/paint directly onto canvas, but never have I seen it done this way. What a unique way of getting your art out there, well done!


  8. Oh wow michelle, i love love love those bunnies they are superb. You are so talented
    hugs June xxx

  9. Thank you for your sweet words!
    Love the bunny ribbon!!!As always great art!
    Suzanne x
