Monday, April 19

Little Giraffe Details...

Little Wilcox!
We have a name... we have spotty details...
A bell that our girl found in
a stash of antique buttons...

Now we begin the search for eyes...
The perfect jacket...
A cardigan sweater... hmmmm...
What do you think Wilcox should wear?

Boot buttons galore!

Little eyes... big eyes?

Vintage jam jars fit into studio drawers perfectly...
Buttons sorted by style, color, medium...
Well... sometimes pretties get mixed in!

Hope your week is off to a great start!


  1. What a beautiful blog! Your watercolors and felted creatures are wonderful!!! I am your newest follower.

  2. how fun :)
    he has so much personality :)

  3. He's beautiful!!!!! I'm mailing out your Giraffe friend tomorrow - I've been an enormous wreck lately, but I hope his cuteness more than makes up for the delay. I just love all the special details. And I definitely think a cardigan sweater would be so sweet. Hooray!

  4. Oh my . . too sweet!
    Can wait to see what she can see!

    Have a sunny day,Lori Ann

  5. OMG! He's wonderful!!!! I think little boot button eyes would be great, but i'm partial to boot button eyes. lol! And red - yes, red to wear! I love him!

  6. So sweet...everything old is "new again"! Love your blog...I signed up to follow today!

  7. Big, brown, doe eyes with a little red jacket! Then.... I want him to come live with me!!!

  8. Oh! Wilcox definately needs to wear a *turtleneck* sweater! And BIG dark eyes with long eye lashes ~ don't all giraffe's have long eye lashes?
    He is simply adorable!

  9. Lovely buttons! I use to collect them and have hundreds, thousands of them stashed in jars. I would always look for the mother-of-pearl - they are so beautiful. I would use them for eyes as well on some of my projects. I am crazy about button blankets and hope to make one - one day! Cheerio from Michelle on Vancouver Island.

  10. You made this?! It's one of your woolie creations? Oh my!! They have to be one of my favorite animals in the zoo.

  11. I love wilcox!
    your art here is just so fresh and joyful, I enjoyed my visit!!!!
