Saturday, March 27

Where I Grew Up...

I remember roaming through pastures and muddy
dirt roads like it was yesterday.
I always had my pockets filled with treasures...
A bandanna of acorns, pine cones etc. knotted closed.

When I was a child...
I wanted to keep mushrooms as little canopies
for my critters... I tried to transplant some.
There was a dirt floor in part of our basement.
Water would collect and Newts would live there.
The mushrooms would dry up...
I tried several times with no success.

Fun to remember back and smile~
Hope a wonderful memory visits your heart today!


  1. Oh Michele we had the same childhood. I was forever collecting little nature treasures. The problem is I still do. Always finding tiny cones and pebbles in my pockets. I think the best garden I ever created was when I was 10. I collected (dug up) and planted wildflowers and ferns in our woods under a canopy of trees. It was so natural and lovely. I know the fairies lived there. :-)

  2. Michelle amor, what a lovely childhood memory, I collected tons of things to, but from long beautiful days and nights spent at the beach, I will never forget when my mama couldn't find the nasty smell in our house for about a week...turns out it was the sand dollars and pretty shells in an old shoe box under my bed :) I was 5 and didn't know you had to set them outside to "dry out & lose the smell" lol I will never forget how mad my mama was :) Now she buys me the loveliest shells when we visit the pier...says it is worth if, if it means I won't stink up her house :) Thanks for helping me remember that! Have a beautiful weekend. Besos, Rose

    ps...even your mushrooms are have such talent :)

  3. You really do such pretty little drawings on these fabric pictures.
    I love the bird book, the pages of the eggs are wonderful, what a fantastic find.
    Your childhood sounds so similar to mine, always collecting, lovely memories to treasure.
    Best wishes Milly

  4. What a lovely memory! I love the mushroom pics too! I received my lovely package from you today -- I just love it! Thank you for sharing your talent with me!

  5. That's a sweet memory ~ and those are sweet little mushroom illustrations.

  6. Such wonderful memories. Your mushrooms are delightful. Thank you for sharing. Happy creating...

  7. Such sweet memories...
    Your art is so beautiful....I am in awe of your talent!
    :) Laura
