Wednesday, March 10

Spring Originals... Bunnies & Chicks...

Sweet chicks... bunnies... pastel buttons!
~Spring is in the air~

I just listed these new originals!
Later today... even more originals will be available
from my little Etsy store.
Please click here to see my store...

The bunny hop!

I was just telling one of my blogging friends that we
miss having bunnies in our yard because we have
Miz Fox and her ever-expanding-family!
Last night my hubby walked in and said he
accidentally frightened a bunny away from the garage!
The snow has a layer of crisp ice...
No tracks to be seen...
Little bunny had some delicious rinds & peelings
for breakfast this morning!

Hope your day has a sweet surprise in it!


  1. Hi Michelle! Those cuties won't last, they are too good to not sell! Regarding the punches in the previous post: isn't Martha the best? I LOVE all her products!

  2. Absolutley your artwork..wished I could paint and draw like you. Sally

  3. Oh geeeez those are soooo sweet, I need to go make some mad money so I can indulge! :)

    I'll be ordering soon!

  4. so pretty! we have a fox that lives under our woodpile, so sadly no bunnies around here. I'm going to try and find my surprise of the day...thanks for that reminder. Sometimes we forget in a busy busy world....

  5. Oh gosh Michelle, these are wonderful, I just love the bunnies, well and the chickies too! Such expression you are able to capture! Wow. Did you get my email? Can't wait to hear from you! Kim

  6. Those are just adorable Michelle. You are so talented!
    Have a super special day.

  7. The baby chicks are adorable! These sweet illustrations are just wonderful!

    I received my second order today. Thanks so much - I love all the cute little birds!

  8. Oh, PLEASE do more bunny drawings! I didn't see any on your etsy site, so this one must have sold! WAH!!!!!!!

  9. Michelle amor, I was wondering if you ever sell extras of these longer drawings like the one of the bebe chicks? I would love one of these :) Besos, Rose
