Wednesday, March 31

Chickadee Collection & Something New...

Springtime in the studio is great fun~
It's warmer.
It's sunny.
I hear the birds!
All day yesterday, several sweet Chickadees were
having a great time at the feeders~

Last night... to stay awake while we watched
American Idol as a family... I drew!
I couldn't stop at one or two...
I made five!
They're listed in my Etsy store~

I added something to three of them.
From the same fabric, I made a trim!
Can be used as a ribbon to make a shabby bow...
Could be stitched along the edge of a pillow or frame...
I LOVE antique buttons!
I hand stitched 10 onto each ribbon.

Behind each button is a small star.
If you choose to take the button off,
there will not be an empty space.

It is rare for anyone to see a needle & thread
in my hands... but these came out very cute!

The Etsy write up shares what the ribbons says...
Simple, but birdish! ha! ha!

It will travel to its new home wrapped
around a vintage clothespin...

Sweet, sweet garden friends!
These were a bit tough to part with~

Hope you're having a nice day!


  1. I love it! I'll stitch buttons for you.... lol!

  2. how absolutely stinkin' gorgeous!!!! and i like the unique quality too.

    thank you for visiting and becoming a follower too! double yay!!!

  3. You are so prolific! Don't work too hard, you will wear yourself out.

  4. I'm a few posts behind! First, the frame that Mimi arranged for her Mom is a real treasure. She is such a special person (as is her Mom) and her work is immpecable. I love the new chickadee sketches and the ribbon is so awesome! You are topping yourself continually.

  5. Michelle, very nice, I love the trim/fabric strips. Just so lovely. hugs, Carol Mae

  6. Fantastic as always :)



  7. simply beautiful! I bet it certainly is hard to part with them, I don't know how you do it! The "ribbon" is wonderful! I have a picture of a Chickadee up on my blog right now! They love feeding at my garden bird feeder.

  8. Oh-so-sweet!!! Love the ribbons with the buttons!

