Friday, March 5

Birds on a Wire...

I love gift cards to craft stores!
You know I love birds...

Found this sweet "Birds on a Wire" edge punch
from the Martha Stewart collection at Michael's.

First punch...

Line up with printed edge for second punch...

They're so sweet!

I used a page with tiny type...

A "good thing"...

The sides fold up!

Hope your Friday is wonderful~


  1. Michelle,
    Thanks for explaining how to use the punch. I have a pretty scalloped one that I can never get to line up properly. Did I already tell you how CrAzY I am for the sketches on canvas you did??? I ordered the owl, then went back later & ordered the bird one. Now I see all the chicks...oh stop me now before Paypal cuts me off. I so adore all you do. Lisa

  2. Very cute ~ I know you will come up awesome ways to use it!

  3. OMG Michelle, soo very cute! Can't wait to see what your creative mind will come up with!
    Have a terrific weekend,

  4. This is wonderful!! I still want to get the photo edges you blogged about earlier. I love those fabric 'paintings' you are doing. I can imagine a fabric design by you-little birds and things on muslin-just the ink for color-it would be so different...
    Love, Debra

  5. oh! you know, I don't even look at other crafts a Michael's anymore, because I just don't have time for one more craft! LOL! But this is just something I might have to look into. Too cute. I love that you punched on a printed page, I would have never thought of that. And the instructions were great too. thanks!

  6. Gee, I was just there today and did not see that one! Fabulous! Thank you so much for sharing. ~ Angela

  7. Hi from Tara. This is her mom, Elena
