Tuesday, February 23

Journal Hearts to Share...

These are a couple snippets~ journal entries...
both from my inspirational journals.

I love to garden because I can let my mind wander.
A chance to fill-back-up and recharge~
Many times I come in from the gardens and
sketch a pretty flower...
put a broken blossom in water...
look up a new weed variety that has taken over!

This day I needed a pick-me-up.
God delivered~ as He so often does!

There are times when I have to repaint
one of my watercolor designs to fit a specific size.

Most of my watercolors cannot be altered digitally...
I make the changes from vertical to horizontal,
rectangle to square... etc. by repainting.
There are times when it seems near impossible
to match a collection. Adding new pieces to
something I had originally painted 5-10 years ago.
My palette is continually changing...
My hand... my style...

This was a sweet little feather "bit" that appeared
on one of the BIRD paintings I was trying
to recreate! I had no idea where it came from...
...but it looked like a little heart!
Taking a break from the deadline to put
the feather in my journal was the fresh start
I needed to make the new pieces flow!

Hope your day is kissed with a sweet surprise~


  1. Thank you Michelle for your lovely comment that I just read. I always find something lovely when I visit here, today it is your journal "hearts".
    Best wishes Milly

  2. Dear Michelle, this is such a sweet post! How precious is the clover heart!

    I have tried keeping a journal but I think I try too hard. I am not sure how to go about it and I give up.

    Nice stopping by to visit with you!
    Kindly, ldh
