Friday, November 20

You Know What This Means...

There are noses left...


These are made from paper clay.
I started the sweet heads with a ball of tinfoil
then generously covered them with the clay.
Much less cracking and very light weight~

Love their little cheeks!

Now I just need to decide what type of body to make
for them... wool... cloth... paper mache?
Antique them or keep them snow white?

Maybe a couple of each!
I'll be sure to share finished photos...

Hope your weekend is wonderful!


  1. Thank you for visiting my blog. I've just had a delightful time here looking at your lovely creations! The large nose on the paper clay snowman is a fun variation...I'm going to have to try that! Your needle felted ornaments are so whimsical...I can't wait to see the little owl in person.

  2. Your paper clay creations are fascinating. I have been wanting to give paperclay a try lately! And your felted wool mice are adorable! Whiskers and all!

  3. I can't wait to se these guys finished! Your noses and the snowmen attached to them are simply delightful!! :o)


  4. Love your snowmen and the mice. Never thought about collecting real whiskers for a project! I really like the noses on the snowmen! It gives them such character!

  5. You have an amazing talent! I can't wait to visit your shop. And thanks for coming by my blog.

  6. Hello! What a fabulous blog you have here (and thanks so much for popping by mine). Your needle felting is wonderful! Katie x
