Thursday, May 28

Gorgeous Goldfinch...

A snippet from one of my paintings...

I love to hang laundry on the line.
Saves loads on the electric bill in the summer
and gets me out of the studio for a few minutes!
Summer sheets snapping in the warm breeze~

The only trouble I seem to have...
The sweet little Goldfinch love to
perch on the lines.
They just hang out and chat...
...while the clothes are there!
Sometimes need rewashing.
They must like the fresh scent!

Hope your day is sunny & warm!


  1. It's a beautiful painting...too bad about the finches leaving a mess on your laundry as they must be nice to watch.


  2. Beautiful painting....I know what you mean though they do like to hang out on the line..and sometimes leave little something when they leave...which is sometimes very hard to remove!!!

    Have a wonderful day and thanks so much for stopping by:)

  3. Your paintings are all so beautiful. My Mom always hung her laundry to dry in the summer when I was growing up, it smells so good! I hope you have a beautiful day.

  4. Michelle, uh-oh! Cute but messy little feathered friends!

  5. Your goldfinch painting is lovely, we have goldfinches also but our have a flash of red in their head feathers.

    Laundry does smell nicer when dried outside, my Irish mother-in-law always loved to peg out the sheets. If there was a good breeze she would say, "There's great drying out today".

  6. My garden is full of birds all hopping around and singing, but yes they do have a down side. I am hopeless at drawing birds, nice to see how its done by you.
    Hope you are having a lovely sunny weekend.

  7. Hello, Neighbor!
    I love your painting also-too bad about the laundry!
    We were getting rather large spiders on our clothes-so I decided to use the dryer!
    Love, Debra

  8. I came over from New Day New Season and I am so glad I did!! I absolutely adore your watercolors!!
    I love all of the stuff in your Etsy shop, too, but was disappointed that none of your paintings were in there!! Do you sell them? I would definitely be interested!!

    I will be visiting often!! You certainly have a lovely talent.

    I have always wanted to take a watercolors course, but haven't done it yet!!

    Have a joyful weekend!!
