Monday, March 9

Twin Chicks! Cheek to Cheek!

"Twin Chicks~ Cheek to Cheek"
Copyright Michelle L. Palmer

More sweet faces available from my Etsy shop....


  1. Oh my goodness. Those are soooo cute!!! Lauriee

  2. They are very cute, Michelle! I love the pink nested one. Do you use a wet felt for the last part of felting? I've heard of that, but never tried it.
    Happy Spring!
    Love, Debra

  3. Your little chicks are adorable and scream Spring!!

    Thank you so much for stopping by for a visit :) Oh gosh and a huge thank you for the pictures of the forsythias and the other blossoms !! I do miss those northern flowers come spring ;)

    Come by any time you are in the neighborhood!!
    Pattie ;)
    Mazatlan Mexico

  4. Aww they are absolutely adorable Michelle! What a wonderful talent you are blessed with!~have a terrific week~Tam!:D

  5. They look like their little cheeks are all puffed up and ready to PEEP!
    The two little babies snuggled up together in the teacup - so sweet and cuddly. Reminds me of my Gramma's little chickies and all the peeping sounds they'd make. It was always so nice and snuggly warm in the henhouse
    where they'd all be hanging together in a huge, yellow pile of moving fluff!

  6. They are precious too. You do such wonderful creations.

  7. These are so sweet. I am more a bunny girl but with all the easter things coming out I have really been loving all the little chicks for some reason this year. Maybe because you can't help but smile when you look at them. Would you ever consider making a white felted bunny? : )

  8. Hi Michelle.
    Your little chicks are absolutely adorable! I wish I had your talent.
    Take care and have a great rest of the week.
