Thursday, March 5

To Be Here Soon...

"Only with Winter-patience
can we bring the deep desired,
Long-awaited Spring."

Anne Morrow Lindbergh

This morning while pup & I were walking
I noticed little tufts of fuzz blossoms
beginning to break through on my
Pussy Willow tree.

This weekend we're expecting rain and
low to mid 50's!
That is shorts weather in Upstate NY!
The remaining snow mounds may melt away
so our new season can begin...

I've been busy in my studio...
The sunlight is warming.
The birds are cheery & busy.
Spring is to be here soon!


  1. There is nothing like spring to make you feel energetic and alive. The sun is shining here also, we have daffodils in flower in our garden and although the weather is cold, definitely not shorts weather, it feels like spring.

  2. Michelle, too funny! You're right! If you're a local in upstate NY or here in upstate PA, then it's shorts weather! And flip flops!

    Not me though! Even though I was born up here, I don't like the cold. Spring is going to be very welcomed by me!

    Hugs! Diane

  3. I agree-I'm not a winter person, although much of it is beautiful. I know I appreciate spring more because of the hardships of the cold.

    Can't wait for peepers!

  4. So nice to hear from all three of you...
    I don't mind the seasons...but March is soooo brown, cold...warm. Teases us!
    I CAN'T WAIT for Peepers! :) Long summer walks on the canal...watering the garden as the dew is falling...
