Friday, March 27

Pocket Full of Sunshine...

Every walk along the Erie Canal...
Every stroll down country roads...
Hoofin' it through pastures...
Weaving through forests...


The above shells are store-bought...

But the blue chips are from our gardens...
It's like finding a diamond!

Corals bits are from Buffy in FL or our
wonderful trip to NC...
Mmmmm....the ocean~

Backyard treasures...

Butterflies found on the side of the road...

We won't think of fall right now....

Boxes, bins...bits n' pieces stuffed in pockets~

Hives from a neighbors storage shed...
Feathers from the ground around the feeders...

People would come in our house & say,
"The horseshoe has to aim up!"
We'd change it...
Others came in,
"The shoe has to face down!"
Ugh...we fixed of each~ :)

Sweet nests...

You can only imagine what's in these boxes...

And more....


Take a walk...but don't come home with empty pockets~
Hope your day is treasure-filled!


  1. I was in the middle of a nice long comment about fellow pack rats and collections of broken pottery, when this computer did a weird thing and I was transported elsewhere!
    But I wanted to tell you that your collections are like mine, only mine are not organized as nicely yet. I can't think of a nicer occupation than pack-ratting, can you??

  2. WOw...are you organized or what!

    Love to visit your makes me so happy.

  3. Wow! Another impressed exclamation re: your organizational skills with your large, wonderful, eclectic collections of delights! (what do you do with them all?)

  4. Michelle, Great collection! I so agree! When walking, keep your eyes to the ground because you never know what treasures you'll find.
    You have them organized wonderfully.

    Debra just said her computer took her somewhere else...I'm having the same problem. Just got a new modem and am having the tech guy come to the house Monday. I need stronger spyware installed.

    You've inspired me to go to the park today!


  5. Such treasures you have found. Love the way you keep them, both easily accessible and attractive to look at. Neat and tidy always makes me happy :)

  6. Lovely post. A wonderful reminder to slow down and enjoy your surroundings.

  7. Hi Michelle! I so enjoyed your post today! I too love to collect treasures like that-soo fun! Nature has so much beauty to offer us if we just take the time to look.
    Hope you have a wonderful weekend!~Smiles~Tam!

  8. Thanks for your great comments...I think I would have tucked things in my diaper if I roamed as a baby! :)
    This is the best reference material~ no copyright...unique...and ALWAYS so much easier to illustrate what you know. sure to know~ I only took pictures of the organized areas! tee hee...toooooo many projects going at the same time!
    Great to say hi!
    :) Michelle

  9. What a wonderful, beautiful, inspiring collection! : )
