Sunday, March 1

Flooding to Frigid...

Thought I'd share some recent photos.
Quick snapshots of nifty ice...
We went from rain...POURING rain & 57 degrees~
Melting, flooding...wonderful road scrubbing!

Then it became cold...
Somehow the ground absorbed most of the waters...
Leaving these nifty shelves here n' there!

Can't you picture a little chipmunk family
taking a vacation in the middle of those reeds?
Nice glass ceiling...
Little protection from the winds...

Hope you have a great week!
Thanks for stopping by...


  1. Those ice shelves are the coolest thing I think I've seen. Neat!

  2. So cool! Know what else is neat...sometimes the water is still warmer than the air and those little tendrils of "steam" that rise up and actually freeze when they hit the air!
    Neat to see that!
    Weather is totally fascinating!
