Sunday, February 15

The Furminator...

"Maybe it will get me a treat...
I don't know what mum is up to~
She has that look in her eyes..."
"I tolerate her and I love her..."
a quote from my favorite pup

Our pup Valentine will be getting
a thorough brushing today with her new,
favorite---MEGA awesome brush
"The FURminator"
That's the real name!
This brush is amazing at taking out
the undercoat & reduce shedding.
LOVE my pup...but the tumbleweeds of
fur when the furnace clicks on...
Thanks, Lisa! What would we do without
your vet-ability & rescue missions?

...she must know something is up...
She isn't following me around...
Tubby time, soon!


  1. Oh! Those eyes! Who can resist a doggie's eyes!


  2. Hope you had a wonderful Valentine's Day!
    Love the doggie's eyes!

  3. These are wonderful pictures of Valentine!

  4. Hi Michelle,
    I'll be sending you the MO by Friday as I get my check on Thursday. Can't wait to get my little birdies:)
    Your dog has the greatest expression and the sweetes eyes.
    Thanks again for your patience with my order:)

    Love your newest one:)

  5. Hi Michelle.
    We used to have a Lhasa Apso as well as our crazy cat. Bath time was always hilarious because the dog got his bath first, so as soon as I took the dog's collar off, the cat would disappear because he knew that I would be coming after him as soon as Smokey's bath was finished! Strangely enough, the cat doesn't mind bath time all that much. I use the hand-held shower head with the massage pulse. He likes that, it's the soaping up he can't stand!
    Have a great week.
