Saturday, January 31

Feathered & Treasured Needle Felts...

All Cooped Up!
Copyright Michelle L. Palmer

Is it possible to have too much fun
when you're working?

All Cooped Up!
Copyright Michelle L. Palmer

This is my latest
needle felting piece on Etsy.
All five fowl and the coop are included!

All Cooped Up!
Copyright Michelle L. Palmer

Not sure what type of feathered friend
the extra feathers came from...
These were purchased from a local craft store.

Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Thanks so much for stopping by...


  1. Oh how fun! Love your work! Have I said that before? LOL... You have inspired me, I am off to create something. ;-)

  2. It's so cute, Michelle!

    I wanted to tell you about a needle felting piece I saw in "Soft Dolls & Animals" magazine-March 2009 issue. The article is titled, "Needle-felted Miracles," by Sharon Hanehan. She has felted premies because of her own experience with a premature baby. The art work is amazing.
    A portion of her sales are donated to the March of Dimes.

    Love, Debra

  3. OH MY WORD!

    Look at all those chickens!
    They are so adorable, and I love chickens!!
    (have a photo ready to post on my blog)

    Thank you for posting about my bird nest tutorial, in full living color!! =0) That is awesome.

    I entered your name twice, as people will get to the giveaway by reading you post about the nests.


  4. Wow your felting is awesome! That's something I've never tried...I love your blog!!!

  5. Oh! This is toooo tooo cute!
