Monday, December 1

Sweet Silver Bells...

So pretty, I wish I didn't have Holiday
projects waiting for them!

These are covered with a thin flocking~
Red velvety...

These wee ones will be great for our
friendly little felted critters to hold...
Or to sting along a garland...

Every year we line the bottom of our
Christmas tree with bells!
Large ones, small ones...all metal~
When our little ones were beginning to
discover & find the tree interesting...
The bells would ring a warning!

Now they are teens...the tree is safe~
except for the occasional pillow football...
or peeking at presents!

Except...the bells will once again be placed
strategically, intentionally & needfully!

All of you with playful friends...
"I hear the bells..."


  1. Oh Michelle I love your idea of lining the bottom of the tree with bells of warning. I think I must link your blog to mine telling everyone how clever you are. I LOVE IT!!!!!! Your bells are beautiful.

  2. Michelle,
    Your photos are inspiring and lovely. We had a wonderful sunrise also. I'm glad you got a picture of yours.

    I know I will sound like a dunce here, especially in front of so many bloggers who read you, but I need to clarify something I may have said to you. I may have said that I was "too busy" to come here. I can't remember if I said that or not. What I was meaning is that I am just busy!!! NOT that I can't be bothered with coming to your blog. I hope I am making sense here...I know I have said it before, meaning something different than what it sounds like. I should just shut up....But if I did say that, please know I didn't mean it in a bad way, and please forgive me.
    I do think one of my 'talents' is blundering through relationships-but asking for forgiveness is a gift from God!
    I love you!

  3. What a great idea. We have a new puppy this year so don't plan on putting up a big tree. We're afraid he'll eat all the ornaments. I never thought of warning jingle bells. Brilliant! Twyla

  4. Yep, I can relate, I live in "catopia" where the tree is seen as a challenge. This year, add a new puppy into the mix. I'm not even sure I'm up to trying a tree, I have visions, and it's not of sugar plums!

  5. What gorgeous bells Michelle! I just love the look of them ~ and also am loving your felted creations! I'm amazed at the detail that you put into each one ~ hope you have a great week! xxoo, Dawn ps. the sunrise is so beautiful ~
