Monday, December 29

Spoiled Kitties...

I've shared before that our kitties
own this place...
Notice the tree skirt has been put away~
That was a wrestling mat for them!

Grandma has gone and spoiled them again!

Last Christmas she made them two beds
that they LOVE...LOVE...LOVE!
Sweet scents of catnip tucked inside...

This fall~
The bench was relocated to "the bird windows!"
They had their perch taken away because
Miss Maddie would not
keep her nails out of the curtains.

The bench has become a favorite rest spot
for the three of them...

Look at their sweet new bed!

Sorry to be blurry...the cats will not hold still
long enough for a story to be kept!


  1. oh the things we do for our I would love to make me a felted snowman...I have everything...but the knowledge of how to do you have any suggestions? Laurie

  2. Too funny! Ours has a fleece blanky with my snowman art on it that she is currently curled under on our bed. This is an every day expectation!
    We sure love 'em, don't we!

  3. This is so funny! I think ALL kitties run the household in some way! They are so much smarter than we realize. Hope you had a nice Christmas! ~Mandy (PS~ Your comment on my tiny lanterns made me laugh!)

  4. Love the youtubes!! Now I have no Thanks...I'll let you know if I run into a snag. Laurie

  5. Michelle,
    I have caught up on all your are an accomplished needle felter! WOW! The corgi is amazing.
    I'm so excited you may come to Etsy!!!! Please ask me if you need anything. But I'm sure you've got many friends here who've been there a lot longer than I. It will be fun to see you there.
    Love, Debra
    PS Love your kitties.

  6. They're so CUTE!! I'd love to see a face photo of the b/w one as from the side here, she looks like my Chessie. Don't ya love how things have to get moved or REmoved for them/because of them? I'm about ready to glue everything to my furniture!
