Sunday, December 14

Check This Out...

Paper Ornament Projects!
These are beautiful...
You have to go peek!
With so many fantastic scrap booking papers
available today...Wendy has a great
collection of ideas to get us started...
Visit her here~
The Possibilities Are Endless


  1. Hello!

    I am now the proud owner of a Michelle Palmer print-snowman and sheep! After Christmas, I'm going to have the blueberry print, the framed lovely. Michelle, your work was a dream in Sherry's Bears. What a 'magical' mix
    her shop is. Perfect for your work.
    We also went to Nugent Hardware and spent a nice time lost in antiques, junk and drawers of hardware! I bought a big box of very old original photos. I need your help to clean them up. Saw the box of spindles you must have gotten yours from. Wished we could have gone around a corner and bumped into
    you! Also got some old magazines, a long drawer, a neat thing that holds a photo or postcard...well, I'll try to get all this stuff on my blog.
    It was fun. We have Zuzu's autograph, so didn't stay in Seneca Falls for that, but we met Violet Bix on the street!
    It was a sunny, pretty day, and I wished all day that I had my camera with us. We saw a steel-wheeled manure spreader in action, being pulled by three horses. The farmer was standing on the wagon with the reins in his hands. It was an awesome sight!
    I'm going to check out the paper link you mentioned tomorrow. Off to dream-land now.
    (I just love that snowman print.)

  2. Hi Debra!
    So glad you were able to see some of my prints & that you OWN TWO! Hooray! She does have a neat nook!
    Nugent hardware is one of my favorites...I LOVE the cool things they have & usually priced as bargains. It would have been great to see & meet you!
    I think I have a few of those "things" that hold photos/ postcards that you mentioned...they're nifty!
    That whole area is sweet...
    I'm going to check out your blog~
    Thanks for letting me know!
