Sunday, November 30

Three More Friends...

"Daisy Girl" Copyright Michelle L. Palmer

Have I said how much fun I'm having with these?

"Cinnamon Bear" Copyright Michelle L. Palmer

"Freddy Acorn"
Copyright Michelle L. Palmer

I have put these on eBay...
All of these sweet little friends are lining
the shelves in our studio!

It will be a happy-sad moment if they sell.
Thrilled to make a few dollars so
the hobby can support itself...
Then again...they're so soft and welcoming!

Hope you're finding some creative projects
to have some fun with!

Hope you have a fantastic week~


  1. They're very cute, and well done!
    I want you to see what I've been up to-soon! I'll let you know..
    Love, Debra

  2. Oh, Michelle, your imagination is wonderful!!
