Monday, November 3

Sparrow Box...

Another of the weekend projects...

The way I propped the camera to
photograph it~ makes it appear tipsy!

Sparrow cover...
I wanted to add a nest~ dust..dust...dust~
Perhaps I'll put one inside...
Then they could set it on top if they wanted!

On one of our antique-thrift days we
discovered bobbins wound in this
pretty white string...reminds me of chenille.

I'll share the third one tomorrow!
Hope you're crafting~


  1. Great project. I have a small collection of antique bobbins- aren't they neat? I always wonder about the hands that worked with them, so many years ago...
    PS thanks for your very kind comment on my blog a few days ago.

  2. Hi Michelle,

    I've been away too long! I have caught up, though, and feel inspired again to do some things with paper, paint, glue, fabric, buttons...I saw your picture with the jars of buttons. There's something so wonderful about the old ones. Takes me back to times spent with my grandma, going through her button-box. She'd tell me about certain buttons, if she knew where they came from.
    I love your creations, Michelle. Your home must be a lovely place.
    Love, Debra

  3. oh my goodness!!! I LOVE this!!! you did a fantastic job!!! Laurie

  4. Michelle, another wonderful box! These are so much FUN!!!!

  5. I am loving the skeleton key and the postage stamps on this one!
